faded ; jhs

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Hoseok and Y/n forged an unbreakable bond as childhood best friends. Their days were filled with laughter, mischief, and shared dreams of a future together. One fateful day, under the shade of an old oak tree, Hoseok made a promise to Y/n that they would marry each other when they would grow up.

Hoseok leaned against the trunk of the old oak tree, a mischievous grin lighting up his face. The golden rays of sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting a warm glow on their youthful features.

"Y/n, no matter what lies ahead, when we grow up, let's promise to marry each other. Let's create a love story that defies all odds. What do you say?" he proposed, his eyes shining with excitement.

Y/n's heart skipped a beat, her gaze locking with Hoseok's. A smile slowly formed on her lips, her eyes reflecting unwavering trust and affection.

"Oh, Hoseok, you always know how to surprise me! That's a promise I simply can't resist. Let's make this extraordinary promise, sealing it with our unbreakable bond," she replied, her voice filled with sincerity.

Their voices intertwined with the gentle breeze, their words carried beyond the boundaries of their childhood sanctuary. In that fleeting moment, amidst the rustling leaves and the symphony of birdsong, they embarked on a shared dream that held the promise of forever.

The scene unfolded with the colors of a radiant sunset, casting a golden hue on their intertwined destinies. Their eyes locked, conveying volumes in the silence that stretched between them. The weight of their promise hung in the air, a precious bond forged in the innocence of youth.

"Deal, Y/n. This promise will be etched in our hearts, guiding us through the unpredictable journey of life. Together, we'll weave a love story that surpasses all others," Hoseok declared, his grin widening as unwavering hope danced in his eyes.

"Yes, Hoseok. Side by side forever," Y/n responded, her smile mirroring his own, radiating unwavering commitment.

Their shared laughter rippled through the meadow, blending with the melodies of nature. In that fleeting moment, Hoseok and Y/n's bond solidified, an unspoken vow that would accompany them through the trials and tribulations of their intertwined destinies.


Y/n stood on the bustling street, her heart heavy with an impending goodbye. The wind carried the scent of distant lands, mingling with the sound of passing cars and hurried footsteps. It was a bitter day, one filled with the ache of separation.

Hoseok stood beside her, his eyes mirroring the sorrow etched across his face. He reached out and gently brushed a stray strand of hair behind Y/n's ear, his touch lingering with a mixture of tenderness and regret.

"Y/n, the time has come for us to part ways," Hoseok spoke softly, his voice barely audible over the cacophony of the city. "My family is moving to another country, and I have to go with them."

Y/n's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she clutched onto a pendant hanging around her neck—a small symbol of the promise they had made. The weight of their shared history and dreams bore down upon her, threatening to break her resolve.

"Promise me, Hoseok," she choked out, her voice trembling. "Promise me that no matter where life takes us, you'll remember our promise. Remember that we vowed to marry each other when we grow up and reunite."

Hoseok's gaze softened, his own tears shimmering in the corner of his eyes. He reached out and gently held Y/n's hands, the warmth of his touch offering a fleeting solace in the face of their imminent separation.

"I promise, Y/n," he whispered, his voice laden with both determination and a hint of melancholy. "I'll carry our promise in my heart, like a beacon guiding me back to you. No matter how far apart we are, our bond will endure."

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