selfish ; knj

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Y/n had always been aware of the arrangement her father had made with Namjoon, the ambitious businessman. It was an unconventional deal, to say the least. Marrying Namjoon meant securing a future for Y/n, who had been living with a disability her entire life. Her father believed that by offering half of his company's shares to Namjoon, he would be motivated to provide Y/n with the love and care she deserved.

As the years passed, Y/n and Namjoon's relationship evolved. Initially bound by circumstance, they soon discovered a genuine affection for one another. Love bloomed in their hearts, intertwining with the progress of the company and the life they were building together. Y/n felt grateful for the unexpected bond that had formed, and Namjoon found solace in the strength and resilience Y/n exhibited every day.

However, fate had something tragic in store.

On the sunday night, just as they began their dinner, the sound of a ringing phone pierced the stillness of the room. Y/n's heart skipped a beat, sensing something was amiss. Namjoon looked at her, concern etched across his face, as she answered the call with a trembling hand.

"Hello?" Y/n's voice quivered, a sense of foreboding creeping into her words.

The voice on the other end of the line was somber, delivering news that would change their lives forever. Y/n's eyes widened, her hand involuntarily covering her mouth in disbelief. Namjoon leaned in closer, his grip on her hand tightening.

"No... No, that can't be true," Y/n's voice wavered, her eyes filling with tears.

Namjoon could feel his own heart pounding, his mind racing to comprehend the weight of the words that had just been spoken. The world around them seemed to blur as he reached out to embrace Y/n, offering a feeble attempt at comfort.

"What... what happened?" Namjoon managed to ask, his voice thick with emotion.

Y/n's voice quivered as she relayed the devastating news. "It's my father... he's been shot. He... he didn't make it."

The weight of those words hung heavily in the air, their significance sinking into the depths of their souls. Y/n's hands trembled, tears streaming down her face as she struggled to comprehend the loss she had just experienced.

Their once joyous dinner had transformed into a tragic moment that would forever be etched in their memories. The room felt suffocating, the silence punctuated only by the sound of their anguished breaths.

Y/n's voice quivered with sorrow as she whispered, "He was our pillar, Namjoon. The driving force behind our union. And now... he's gone."

In the midst of his sorrow, Namjoon's mind was clouded with confusion and anger. He struggled to make sense of the situation, feeling betrayed by a world that had taken away both his father-in-law and the opportunity he had eagerly awaited. Overwhelmed by these emotions, he mistakenly directed his anger towards Y/n, the woman who had loved him unconditionally.

Namjoon stormed back and forth, his eyes ablaze with fury and his voice resonating with an unmistakable rage. Y/n watched him, her heart sinking with every venomous word he hurled at her.

"Why? Why did your father have to go and ruin everything?" Namjoon seethed, his voice dripping with anger. "He promised me, Y/n. He promised me the shares, the future I had envisioned. And now he's taken it all away, leaving me with nothing!"

Y/n, her voice trembling, attempted to reason with him. "Namjoon, please try to understand. It was never his intention to hurt you. He believed he was giving us a chance at a better life."

Namjoon's voice grew louder, his words laced with bitterness. "A better life? Is this what a better life looks like? Betrayal, shattered dreams, and a future drenched in sorrow? I can't believe I fell for his lies, for your father's empty promises!"

Tears streamed down Y/n's face as she pleaded, "Namjoon, don't let anger cloud your judgment. We can work through this together. Let's find a way to honor his memory and rebuild our lives."

But Namjoon's anger was relentless, and he refused to listen. He advanced towards Y/n, his voice dripping with venomous contempt. "I can't stand the sight of you! You're a constant reminder of the lies, the deception. I won't let myself be tied down by a life built on false foundations."

Y/n gasped, her voice trembling with desperation. "Namjoon, please, don't let this anger consume you. Our love was real, and we can find a way to overcome this. Please, let's not throw everything away."

Namjoon's eyes narrowed, his voice filled with scorn. "Love? Is that what you call this? A love built on a bed of lies? I won't waste another moment living a lie. We're through, Y/n. I want nothing more to do with you."

With those words, the room plunged into an abyss of silence, shattered only by the echoes of their shared pain. Y/n crumbled under the weight of Namjoon's rage, her heart fractured beyond repair.

Y/n, her voice choked with anguish, whispered, "But I love you."

Namjoon's face twisted with fury, his voice venomous as he retorted, "Your love means nothing to me now. I won't waste another breath on you."

And with that final declaration, Namjoon stormed out of the room, leaving Y/n shattered and broken. The divorce papers lay on the table, a bitter reminder of the love they had lost amidst the raging storm of their shattered dreams.

Y/n watched him leave, her heart torn to pieces.

As Y/n's world crumbled around her, she instinctively reached down to her belly, where a new life was growing, a precious connection that gave her hope even in her darkest moments. With tears streaming down her face, she caressed her belly gently, speaking softly to her unborn child, seeking solace in their presence.

"We're all alone now, my little one," Y/n whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of sadness and determination. "But I promise you, we will face this battle together. We will find strength in each other and rise above the pain."

Her child seemed to respond with a gentle kick, a reassuring reminder of the bond they shared. Y/n's heart fluttered with a glimmer of hope, a spark that ignited her maternal instincts and fueled her determination to protect her child from the chaos that surrounded them.


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