reputation ; ksj

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In the quiet corners of the library, Y/n and Seokjin found solace amidst the stacks of books. Y/n, a carefree girl with a playful spark in their eyes, sat at a nearby table, appearing more interested in doodling than studying.

Seokjin, her boyfriend, pulled up a chair beside her, concern etched on his face. He cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "Babe, I noticed that your recent test scores haven't been the best. Is everything alright?"

Y/n let out a carefree laugh, waving a dismissive hand. "Oh, those pesky tests? Don't worry about them, Jin. They're just numbers on a piece of paper. Life's too short to stress over grades."

Seokjin's brow furrowed, worry lacing his voice. "But Y/n, your academic performance reflects your dedication and potential. It's important for your future."

Y/n shrugged nonchalantly, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. "Come on, Jin. I've got money, and money makes the world go round, right? I'll be just fine."

Seokjin's concern deepened, his voice tinged with urgency. "Y/n, it's not just about money. My mother is the principal of our school, and she's already expressed her concerns. Failing tests doesn't reflect well on the institution she holds, baby."

Y/n laughed again, seemingly unaffected. "Your mother will get over it, Jin. Besides, I'm sure the school has seen worse. It's not like my grades are going to bring about the apocalypse."

Seokjin's worry grew more apparent, his voice tinged with desperation. "Y/n, it's not about the end of the world, but it does matter. I care about you, and I don't want our relationship to create trouble for you or for me."

Y/n's laughter died down, a flicker of realization crossing her features. She leaned in closer, her eyes meeting Seokjin's with a newfound seriousness. "Jin, what's wrong? Did your mother say something?"

Seokjin cleared his throat, "My mother, she's been worried about your academic performance. She's even threatened to break us apart if you don't pass the upcoming exam."

Y/n's gaze faltered, replaced by a mixture of surprise and confusion. "Wait, Jin, she would actually do that? That seems... extreme."

Seokjin nodded, his gaze heavy with disappointment. "I know it sounds harsh, but my mother takes the school's reputation very seriously. She believes that dating someone who doesn't prioritize their studies could tarnish the image of the institution."

Y/n's eyes widened, realization sinking in. "I had no idea she felt that strongly about it. I'm sorry, Jin. I never meant to disappoint you or your family."

Seokjin sighed, his voice filled with a tinge of sadness. "I believe in you, Y/n. I know you're capable of so much more, but your lack of effort has let both of us down. Please start taking your studies seriously."

Y/n's shoulders slumped, a pang of remorse echoing within her. "You're right, Jin. I've been careless. I'll try harder, okay?"

Seokjin leaned in closer, his heart pounding with affection, and Y/n reciprocated, their breaths mingling in the intimate space between them. In that tender moment, they closed the gap, their lips meeting in a sweet and gentle kiss.

Time seemed to stand still as their connection deepened, a silent affirmation of their unwavering commitment to each other. It was a kiss that held the promise of support, understanding, and a shared determination to overcome the obstacles that lay ahead.


In the examination hall, Y/n sat at her desk, her heart racing with anxiety. As the test papers were distributed, her hands trembled, and a sense of dread washed over her. The questions seemed foreign, like a jumble of words and concepts that she had never encountered before.

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