back and gone ; myg

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"I missed this," Yoongi murmured in his hoarse voice, his warm breath tickling my ear. We laid in bed together, the soft glow of the TV illuminating the room as a newly launched K-drama played in the background.

I nestled my head on his chest, finding solace in his familiar heartbeat, while he gently stroked my hair. "I missed this more than you," I replied, my voice filled with sincerity, tightening my embrace around him.

Finally, after enduring three to four long weeks of separation, I had the entire day to spend with my husband. I trailed my fingers lightly across his chest, savoring the deep sense of peace that settled within my mind.

"Sorry, I was just too occupied with work. These new clients are nothing but a pain in the ass," he grumbled, briefly glancing at his phone. I reached over and lowered the volume of the TV. "Even more annoying than me?" I teased, a playful smile dancing on my lips.

"Who said you're annoying, hm?" Yoongi leaned in, planting a tender kiss on my forehead before setting aside his phone, his attention now fully focused on the screen before us. My eyes softened as I noticed the visible weight of stress etched across his features. His work at the office seemed to be taking its toll on him, lacking any sympathy.

"You said it yourself once when we had a quarrel!" I playfully flicked his chest, and he scrunched his nose in response. "I am sorry, baby, but that was long ago," he reassured me, pulling me even closer into his arms. "You're not annoying at all."

I was about to respond, but the sound of the doorbell interrupted our moment. I paused the show, reluctantly leaving the comfort of the bed, and made my way to the door to see who had come to visit.

Upon opening the door, I was met with the presence of a pregnant woman carrying luggage, her voice jolting me from my thoughts. "Does Min Yoongi still live here?" Her question caught me off guard, and my brows furrowed as I tried to make sense of this unfamiliar situation.

Just as I was about to inquire about her identity, Yoongi appeared, stepping into the scene. "Somi?" His voice carried a mix of surprise and concern. Without hesitation, she dropped her luggage and rushed into his arms, crying uncontrollably. I stood there, my mouth agape, as she clung to my husband, completely disregarding my presence.

I had expected Yoongi to push her away, to establish boundaries, but instead, he awkwardly waited for her to finish her emotional outburst. I scoffed audibly, clearly expressing my discontent, and finally caught his attention. I mouthed the question, "What is going on?" to him, but he simply gestured that everything was fine.

"Oh God, Yoongi, I'm devastated!" Somi managed to speak between sobs, attempting to wipe away her tears, which seemed relentless. Yoongi guided her to sit comfortably on the couch and observed her small baby bump, patiently waiting for her to regain her composure.

"Y/n, please bring Somi's luggage inside," Yoongi pointed towards the purple bags still lying by the front door. Reluctantly, I made my way to her belongings and brought them inside, my mind swirling with questions. Was she going to stay with us?

"And please, get her a glass of water," Yoongi added. I stared at him blankly for a moment before complying with his request. I felt invisible in my own home. All I wanted was an introduction, to be acknowledged, and not witness my husband allowing a stranger to embrace him.

"Yoongi, I..." Somi sighed, rubbing her face with her hands, a sense of resignation evident in her actions. "I am seven months pregnant," she looked deeply into Yoongi's eyes, "with your baby."

My jaw dropped as a rush of coldness engulfed my hands and feet. His baby? He was going to be a father to someone else's child? They were going to be parents? A flood of questions overwhelmed my thoughts in that moment.

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