disappeared ; myg

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Y/n felt a mix of nervousness and excitement as she held the positive pregnancy test in her trembling hands. Her heart raced, knowing that her life was about to change in the most profound way possible. She couldn't wait to share the news with Yoongi, her partner, and the love of her life.

That evening, she prepared a romantic dinner, setting the table with care and anticipation. When Yoongi arrived home, Y/n greeted him with a warm smile, unable to contain her excitement any longer.

"Yoongi, I have something important to tell you," she said, her voice filled with a mix of joy and nervousness.

He looked at her curiously, a hint of concern in his eyes. "What is it, Y/n? You seem anxious."

Taking a deep breath, she took his hand and led him to the table. "I'm pregnant, Yoongi. We're going to have a baby."

For a moment, silence filled the room as Yoongi processed the news. Y/n searched his face for a reaction, her heart pounding in her chest. But instead of the joy and excitement she had anticipated, she saw a flicker of fear and uncertainty in his eyes.

"I... I don't know if I'm ready for this, Y/n," he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I have my music career, and I'm not sure if I can handle the responsibilities of being a father."

Y/n's heart sank as she heard his words, her joy dissipating into a whirlwind of confusion and sadness. "But Yoongi, we can figure it out together. We can support each other and create a beautiful life for our child. I thought we were in this together."

Yoongi pulled away, his expression pained. "I need time to think, Y/n. I need to figure out what's best for both of us. I'm sorry."

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, but Yoongi's distance only grew. Y/n found herself longing for his presence, for the reassurance and love she once knew. She tried to reach out, to bridge the gap between them, but he remained distant and unresponsive.

Then one morning, Y/n woke up to find the other side of the bed empty. Panic coursed through her veins as she searched the apartment, realizing that Yoongi's belongings were gone. Her heart shattered as she found a letter on the table, addressed to her.

Tears blurred her vision as she read the words, her hands trembling. Yoongi had written that he couldn't handle the responsibility of fatherhood and that he believed it was best for him to leave her forever. It was a devastating blow, a betrayal she never saw coming.

In a desperate attempt to salvage their relationship, Y/n tried to call Yoongi, but every attempt was met with a blocked number or a disconnected line. He had vanished from her life completely, leaving her to face the reality of being a single mother alone.


Years passed, and Y/n embraced her role as a single mother with strength and determination. She poured her love and energy into raising her child, providing them with all the support and care they needed. The pain of Yoongi's abandonment lingered, but she refused to let it define her or overshadow the love she had for her child.

Y/n pushed the stroller through the park, the gentle breeze rustling the leaves as she navigated the winding paths. Her child giggled and pointed at the colorful flowers that adorned the scenery, their innocence a stark contrast to the turmoil within her heart.

As they rounded a corner, Y/n froze, her eyes fixated on a familiar figure in the distance. Her heart raced, and her palms grew clammy. It couldn't be him, could it? But there he was, standing with a baby in his arms, laughter lighting up his face as he conversed with a woman by his side.

Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes locked onto Yoongi, the man who had once promised her forever. A mix of emotions swirled inside her—anger, sadness, and an unexpected surge of curiosity. She had thought he was gone from her life forever, yet here he stood, seemingly content in a new reality.

Y/n's grip on the stroller tightened as she debated whether to approach him or retreat, to confront the pain head-on or shield herself from the inevitable heartache. Her child looked up at her, innocent eyes searching for guidance, and in that moment, a surge of strength coursed through her veins.

Y/n decided to inch closer, her steps deliberate yet cautious. She found a bench nearby, giving her a vantage point to observe without being noticed. The pounding of her heart drowned out the sounds of children playing and birds chirping, consumed by the memories and unanswered questions that flooded her mind.

She watched as Yoongi laughed, the sound a haunting echo of the joy they had once shared. His touch was gentle as he caressed the baby's cheek, his eyes filled with a tenderness that Y/n remembered all too well. The woman beside him leaned into his side, their connection evident in their shared laughter and stolen glances.

It was a scene of domestic bliss, a picture-perfect family that Y/n had once dreamt of. But instead of being filled with warmth and happiness, a wave of sadness washed over her. She had been cast aside, left to pick up the pieces while he had moved on so effortlessly.

She knew deep down that she deserved better than the abandonment he had inflicted upon her, that she had built a life for herself and her child in the wake of his departure.

With a heavy sigh, Y/n tore her gaze away, tears welling up in her eyes. She couldn't allow herself to be consumed by the past any longer. She had learned to find strength within herself, to be the rock her child needed.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed the stroller forward, her child's laughter a beacon of hope and a reminder that their happiness was within their grasp. The image of Yoongi and his new family slowly faded into the background, replaced by a renewed determination to create her own version of joy and fulfillment.

Though the sight had stirred up a storm of emotions within her, Y/n knew that she was strong enough to weather it. She would always carry the scars of Yoongi's abandonment, but she refused to let it define her. She would forge her own path, guided by love, resilience, and the unwavering love she held for her child.


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