ugly truth ; jhs

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"Baby, now mama and you will go to sleep, okay?" I whispered softly, my voice filled with a mixture of tenderness and concern. Although my unborn child couldn't respond, I hoped that they could sense the love in my words. Hoseok and I had built a joyful life together, and the anticipation of our little princess's arrival filled us with happiness. However, a shadow of worry had crept into my heart as I felt Hoseok growing distant from both me and our unborn child.

There was a time when Hoseok would eagerly spend hours caressing my belly, speaking to our baby, and sharing stories about his day. But lately, it seemed as if he had lost interest in these precious moments. He was rarely home, leaving me to wonder about his whereabouts during lunch breaks and evenings. Exhaustion etched deep lines on his face when I caught glimpses of him late at night, and I couldn't help but worry about the toll his work was taking on him.

With a heavy sigh, I carefully arranged the blanket, cocooning myself and our growing baby. A pang of longing filled my heart as I wished for Hoseok to be here, sharing this intimate moment. It should have been him, protecting and cherishing our unborn child. Yet, as I closed my eyes, I couldn't help but wonder what occupied his mind and where his tired body found solace.

"Good night, my little one," I whispered, my voice filled with a mixture of affection and a faint trace of sadness. Gently, I caressed my belly one last time, hoping that our baby could feel the warmth of my touch, even in their slumber.


Hoseok POV ;

Sighing, I walked inside our bedroom, feeling the weight of the long day slowly dissipating. My interactions with my colleague, Mi Sun, earlier had been physical, and I couldn't shake off the guilt that had settled within me. You see, I had been growing distant from Y/n, my loving wife, but I never intended to betray her trust.

Bending down, I left a soft kiss on Y/n's cheek as well as her belly. I can't wait to meet our little bundle of joy!

Climbing into the covers, I gazed at my wife's peaceful face. She deserves so much more than what I'm giving her... She deserves better than me. But, I'm determined to do what needs to be done.

Taking one last glance at her growing belly, filled with anticipation and a touch of apprehension, I finally succumbed to sleep.


Y/n's POV ;

I felt the warmth of the sunlight on my face as I slowly opened my eyes. Glancing to my right, I noticed the space beside me empty. Oh, Hoseok has work on Sunday too?

Instinctively, my hands caressed my baby bump as I smiled, imagining our little bean growing inside. After a moment, I carefully got out of bed, taking small steps as I looked around for Hoseok.

And there he was, sitting on the couch with his coat on, a smile lighting up his face as he looked at his phone. My intuition tingled, sensing that something might be amiss. What could he be smiling at?

My mind became a battleground of conflicting emotions.

Hoseok arriving home late, neglecting meals, appearing distant...

Could it be possible that... he's cheating?

Before I could dwell further, Hoseok's fingers snapped in front of my face, jolting me back to reality. "Lost in thoughts about me?" He quipped, a mischievous yet endearing smile replacing his earlier expression. Irritating as he could be, I couldn't deny his charm. His playful smirk quickly transformed into an innocent grin.

Oh, how could this precious baby ever deceive me? Pregnancy certainly brings out the best in me, doesn't it? My eyes scanned Hoseok's well-dressed figure. "Hoseok, where are you headed this Sunday? I was hoping we could spend some quality time together," I voiced, a touch of disappointment evident in my pout. I had envisioned a cozy Sunday, wrapped in each other's arms, but it seemed he still had obligations.

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