neglected ; kth

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I carried a secret within me - stage 3 cancer. Only my family knew, for I chose to shield the world from the weight of my diagnosis. Each day was precious, filled with moments of love and laughter. I wore a mask, hiding my fragility from friends, fearing their pity. But I found comfort in simple joys and embraced the beauty that surrounded me. In these final days, I strived to live with grace and gratitude, leaving an imprint of love on the hearts of those I hold dear.

Taehyung, my best friend, remained unaware of my secrets. Neither did he know about my disease nor my feelings for him. Our bond was precious, and I dared not risk it by confessing my love. The fear of losing him outweighed the desire to reveal my true feelings. So I cherished our friendship, cherishing the moments we share, even if my heart yearned for something more.

With a heavy heart, I dialed Taehyung's number, craving the attention of his company. The phone rung, and my anticipation mixed with a tinge of uncertainty. He answered, his voice warm and familiar.

"Hey, Taehyung. I was wondering if we could hang out today," I asked, my voice laced with a quiet hope.

There was a brief pause on the other end, followed by a hint of hesitation. "I'll try, but I have a date scheduled with Minji for this evening, so I'm not sure if I can make it," he responded, his words tinged with regret.

A pang of disappointment resonated within me, but I quickly masked it with a forced smile. "No worries, Taehyung. I understand. Have a great time on your date," I replied, attempting to sound nonchalant.

We exchanged a few more pleasantries before saying our goodbyes. As I hung up the phone, I felt a mix of emotions swirling within me. Part of me longed to be his priority, to have him by my side in these uncertain times. But I pushed those thoughts aside, reminding myself that our friendship is a cherished treasure, one that I'm not willing to jeopardize.


The passing days had blended into a haze of sickness and solitude. My absence from school weighted heavily on my heart, and the silence from Taehyung amplified the ache within me. Not a single call or text, leaving me to wonder if I've slipped from his thoughts entirely.

Whispers from friends reached my ears, carrying gossips of Taehyung's newfound busyness. They spoke of his time spent with Minji, his girlfriend, painting a vivid picture of their togetherness. Each word stung, a painful reminder of the growing distance between us.


As I step foot into the school hallway, a sinking feeling washed over me. There, in plain sight, stood Taehyung locked in a passionate embrace with Minji. My heart clenched with an ache, the sight burning into my memory like a cruel brand.

Unable to bear the pain any longer, I turned on my heels and rushed to my classroom. Each step felt heavier than the last, as if carrying the weight of a shattered dream. Tears blurred my vision, threatening to spill over, but I fought to keep them at bay.

As the bell rung, signifying the end of the class, I braced myself for the encounter I had been dreading. Taehyung's presence was suddenly before me, and I couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope amidst the ache in my heart.

"Hey," he said, his voice laced with concern. "I noticed you haven't been coming to school. Are you okay?"

I swallowed hard, forcing a weak smile to mask the pain. "Yeah, I wasn't feeling too well," I replied, my voice trembling slightly.

He furrowed his brow, genuine worry etched on his face. "You should've told me. I would've checked up on you."

A pang of bittersweet longing swept over me, knowing that his care and concern were reserved for a friendship, not the love that lies hidden within me. My voice barely above a whisper, I responded, "It's okay, Taehyung. I didn't want to bother you."

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