duty of love ; kth

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"Taehyung-ah!" Princess Y/n's voice echoed through the serene garden as she nestled her head on her secret lover, Taehyung's chest. The lush grass beneath them provided a comfortable resting place, while the distant sight of the majestic waterfall added to the enchanting atmosphere, far removed from the confines of the palace.

"Yes, my love?" Taehyung's voice resonated with tenderness and calmness as his fingers gently traced patterns through the young princess's hair. They found solace in this hidden sanctuary, a respite from the watchful eyes of the royal court.

Resting her chin on his chest, Y/n looked up at Taehyung, her eyes filled with longing and a hint of worry. "How long must we conceal our love from the prying eyes of others?" Her delicate pout tugged at Taehyung's heartstrings, and he couldn't help but smile softly in response.

"Until eternity, my darling. If your family were to ever discover the truth about us, it would only bring dire consequences, and I would be met with a fate befitting the depths of your presence," Taehyung's words carried a touch of melancholy, as he revealed the harsh reality that bound their love.

Y/n's heart tightened with a mix of distress and affection for her beloved. Her voice trembled as she responded, "But can't you see how tense I become when you speak of such dire possibilities? The mere thought of losing you is unbearable."

Reacting swiftly to her sudden movement, Taehyung's eyes widened as he watched her push herself away, sitting upright with a flash of worry etched across her face. Concern etched his features, and he instinctively reached out to hold her, his arms encircling her trembling figure.

"What's wrong, my love? Please, tell me," his voice pleaded, filled with genuine worry as he caressed her hair and back, attempting to provide comfort and reassurance.

"I-I can't bear the thought of losing you, Taehyung," she sobbed, tears streaming down her face, staining his already-torn shirt. The weight of her emotions permeated the air, leaving Taehyung with a deep sense of remorse for causing her pain.

"I am sorry, my princess. Please, forget the words I spoke. I never meant to distress you," Taehyung's voice was laced with regret as he gently wiped away her tears, his touch a balm to her wounded heart.

"I don't wish to lose you Taehyung," Y/n repeated, her voice filled with desperation and a raw vulnerability that echoed her deepest fears and desires.

In that moment, Taehyung's resolve solidified, and without uttering a word, he sealed his love for her with a passionate kiss. Their lips met, carrying the weight of their unspoken vows and the forbidden nature of their union.

Taehyung, a man of elegance and simplicity, embodied a soul that perfectly complemented Y/n's royal stature. Yet, the cruel twist of fate deemed them unworthy of each other, their love confined by societal constraints. Y/n, the Princess of the Fiandra Kingdom, and Taehyung, a humble man from a lower caste, shared a love that flourished in the shadows, forever destined to remain hidden.

Their stolen moments of intimacy and affection were the rare jewels they treasured, a respite from the opulent yet suffocating existence of the royal court. Y/n's position as a princess demanded a life of privilege, but it also meant sacrificing her heart's deepest desires.

"Princess Y/n, it is time to depart," a resonant male voice interrupted their passionate embrace. The interruption came from one of Y/n's loyal bodyguards, stationed outside the garden to protect her and ensure her privacy was respected. In the kingdom of Fiandra, wherever the princess tread, her guardians followed, their watchful eyes ever-vigilant.

"Very well, I shall join you," Y/n responded with regal composure, her voice carrying the weight of her royal lineage. The radiant glow on Taehyung's face dimmed as he heard her being called away. Once again, he was forced to relinquish his position as her beloved, discreetly slipping away from her side as the guards took charge. "Tae, I must depart now. Come out only after a few moments, my love," she murmured, cupping Taehyung's face tenderly as his gaze remained locked on her, entranced by her grace.

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