backstabbed ; kth

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The hallways of their high school buzzed with anticipation as students hurried to their classes. Among them, Y/n and Taehyung walked hand in hand, their smiles radiant with the bliss of young love. They had found solace in each other's arms, their hearts intertwined in a dance of affection and trust.

Y/n's eyes sparkled with adoration as she gazed at Taehyung, her voice filled with warmth. "I'm so lucky to have you, Taehyung. You make every day brighter."

Taehyung's laughter filled the air, his fingers gently caressing her cheek. "And I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have you by my side, Y/n. You bring so much joy into my life."

Their love blossomed amidst stolen glances, whispered promises, and shared dreams.

But one fateful day, the harmony they had created came crashing down. A group of the "mean students", fueled by jealousy and hatred, decided to tarnish the love Y/n and Taehyung shared. They wove a web of lies, poisoning the minds of their peers.

Rumors spread like wildfire, whispered words filled with malice and deceit. They reached Taehyung's ears, poisoning his thoughts and clouding his judgment. The lies they spun told about Y/n's disloyalty, her alleged encounters with Minhyuk, one of the bullies and Y/n's ex.

Layla smirked and approached Taehyung, her tone laced with mischief. "Hey, Taehyung, have you heard the juicy gossip about your precious girlfriend?"

Taehyung's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "What are you talking about? What gossip?"

Julian chimed in, a sly grin playing on his lips. "Oh, you're in for a treat. It seems your dear Y/n has been getting a little too close with Minhyuk behind your back."

Taehyung's heart clenched, a mix of confusion and anger welling up within him. "That's absurd! Y/n would never betray me like that."

Layla shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, we've seen them, Taehyung. Whispering secrets, sharing laughter—it's no wonder everyone's talking."

Taehyung's voice wavered with disbelief. "No, it can't be true. Y/n and Minhyuk are just friends. There's nothing more to it."

Julian leaned in, relishing in Taehyung's distress. "Maybe you should confront minhyuk then, see how he reacts. But don't say we didn't warn you."

Taehyung's heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and trepidation as he made his way towards Minhyuk, anger simmering beneath the surface. He found Minhyuk standing near the lockers, an arrogant smirk etched on his face.

Taehyung's voice was laced with frustration as he confronted Minhyuk. "Minhyuk, we need to talk. Is it true? Have you been seeing Y/n behind my back?"

Minhyuk feigned innocence, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Oh, Taehyung, didn't you know? Y/n and I have been reconnecting lately. It's been quite... enjoyable."

Taehyung's fists clenched, his anger bubbling to the surface. "Don't play games with me, Minhyuk. Tell me the truth. Are you lying about Y/n? Are you trying to break us apart?"

Minhyuk's smirk widened, relishing in Taehyung's turmoil. "Why would I lie, Taehyung? Y/n and I have been spending a lot of time together. You know, rekindling old flames. It's only a matter of time before she dumps your ass."

Taehyung's vision blurred with a mix of anger and betrayal. The weight of Minhyuk's words crashed down on him, shattering the trust he had in Y/n and their relationship. "I can't believe this... I trusted both of you."

Minhyuk's laughter echoed through the corridor, his taunting tone piercing Taehyung's heart. "Trust? Oh, Taehyung, you're so naive. Y/n deserves someone who can give her everything she desires, and that someone isn't you."

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