sacrifice ; jhs

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Y/n sat quietly in the corner of the classroom, her gaze fixed on Hoseok, her best friend. The way he laughed, the way he lit up the room with his infectious energy, it all seemed to dance around her heart, leaving her breathless. But there was something she couldn't ignore—the fact that Hoseok's heart belonged to another.

Suzumi, the girl with eyes like galaxies, had captured Hoseok's attention. Y/n had seen the way he looked at her, how his eyes sparkled whenever they spoke. It pained her to know that her own heart yearned for a love that would never be reciprocated. And yet, she couldn't bear to see Hoseok's heartache.

One day, as the sun cast its warm glow through the classroom windows, Hoseok approached Y/n with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Y/n," he began, "I need your help. I want to get closer to Suzumi. Can you talk to her for me? Maybe help me understand her better?"

Y/n's heart twisted within her chest, but she forced a smile. "Of course, Hoseok. I'll do whatever I can to help you."

With a heavy heart, Y/n approached Suzumi during lunch break. "Hey, Suzumi, can we talk?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Suzumi looked up from her book, her eyes curious. "Sure, what's up?"

Y/n took a deep breath, gathering her strength. "I... I know Hoseok likes you, Suzumi. He's asked me to help him get closer to you."

A flicker of surprise danced across Suzumi's face, but she quickly composed herself. "Oh, really? I didn't know... I mean, he's a great guy, but I don't know if I'm interested in him that way."

Y/n's heart sank, but she masked her pain behind a reassuring smile. "I understand, Suzumi. I just wanted to make sure you knew how he felt."

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the weight of unrequited love grew heavier upon Y/n's fragile heart. She watched from a distance as Suzumi and Hoseok's relationship flourished, their smiles radiant and their love palpable. Y/n continued to play her role as the supportive friend, all the while feeling her own heart slowly crumble.

Yet, deep down, Y/n couldn't escape the suffocating despair that consumed her. Every smile she mustered became more hollow, every moment spent in their presence a constant reminder of what she could never have. The pain festered within her, gnawing away at her spirit until it became too much to bear.

One fateful day, Y/n found herself standing at the edge of a cliff overlooking the tumultuous waves crashing against the rocks below. The wind whipped through her hair, mirroring the turmoil in her soul. The weight of her unrequited love had become an unbearable burden, a never-ending ache that she could no longer endure.

With trembling hands and tear-stained cheeks, Y/n took a step forward, ready to surrender herself to the unforgiving embrace of the sea. It was in that moment, as despair reached its crescendo, that Hoseok's voice cut through the howling wind.

"Y/n, stop!" Hoseok's panicked voice echoed across the cliffside, his footsteps growing louder with each passing second. "What are you doing? Please, don't do this!"

Y/n turned to face him, her eyes filled with a mix of heartache and resignation. "Hoseok, I can't bear it anymore. The pain... it's consuming me."

Hoseok's face contorted with anguish as he closed the distance between them, his voice laced with desperation. "Y/n, I had no idea. I never wanted to hurt you. Please, let's find another way. Let's find a way to fix this mess."

Tears streamed down Y/n's face as she mustered a feeble smile. "It's too late, Hoseok. The damage has been done. My heart is broken beyond repair."

Hoseok reached out, his trembling hand desperately grasping hers. "Please, Y/n, I can't lose you. You mean everything to me. I never wanted to lose our friendship, even if it meant sacrificing my own happiness."

Y/n's heart shattered further at his words, the realization of their irreparable situation crashing down upon her. "I know, Hoseok. But sometimes, love isn't enough to save us. I can't keep sacrificing my own happiness for the sake of yours."

With a heavy heart, Y/n gently withdrew her hand from Hoseok's grasp and took a step back, closer to the edge. The tempestuous wind seemed to echo her inner turmoil, as if urging her to take that final leap into the abyss.

As the tears blurred her vision, Y/n spoke her final words, her voice barely a whisper. "Goodbye, Hoseok. Please remember me... Remember the girl who loved you more than life itself."

And with that, Y/n closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and succumbed to the crushing depths below, leaving behind a void that would forever haunt Hoseok and Suzumi's hearts, a painful reminder of a love that could never be.


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