double loss ; knj

80 15 5

I and Namjoon lied on the bed, our bodies intertwined in a cocoon of warmth and affection. My fingertips traced delicately across Namjoon's chest, forming soft imaginary circles as we talked.

I softly spoke, my voice filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension, "I can't believe our little one will be here soon. It's both thrilling and scary, isn't it?"

Namjoon tenderly pressed his lips against my forehead, a gentle caress that spoke volumes of his love.

With heartfelt sincerity, he whispered, "It is, my love. But we'll face it together, just as we always have. I can't wait to hold our baby in my arms and witness his first breath."

Nestling closer, seeking solace within Namjoon's embrace, I confessed about my gratitude and vulnerability, my words laced with raw emotion.

"Thank you so much for always being the best husband."

Namjoon's fingers glid through my hair, the touch gentle and affectionate, a testament to his devotion.

His voice resonated with warmth and tenderness, "Always will be, my love, and I have no doubt that you will be an exceptional mother. Our child is truly fortunate to have you."

I could feel my cheeks blush softly, my eyes shimmering with love and appreciation as I gazed up at Namjoon.

I whispered, my voice barely above a breath, "I hope to be the best mother I can be."

Namjoon's hands cradled my face, his eyes reflecting unwavering support and unwavering belief.

"Without a doubt, Y/n, you will be an extraordinary mother. We will create a beautiful safe space for our child."

A sudden gush of water broke the tranquility. Panic flashed across our faces, mingling with a surge of adrenaline.

I gasped, my voice trembling with urgency, "Namjoon, my water just broke! It's time!"

Namjoon's eyes widened in alarm, but he quickly gathered his wits, springing into action.

Without wasting a moment, he grabbed my hand, guiding me swiftly towards the front door. Namjoon's voice was filled with a mixture of concern and determination, "Stay calm, Y/n. We need to get you to the hospital right away. Everything will be alright, I promise."

I clung to Namjoon's arm, my breathing shaky yet determined. With each step towards the car, we shared stolen glances filled with love and anxiety, our hearts beating in sync.

As we reached the car, Namjoon opened the passenger door with haste, helping me settle into the seat.

Namjoon's voice soothed my frayed nerves, "Just hold on, love. I'll drive us there as quickly as I can." He swiftly started the engine, his focus shifting entirely to the road ahead.

I gripped Namjoon's hand tightly, seeking comfort in our connection, while he navigated the streets with a mixture of caution and urgency.

Minutes felt like hours as we made our way to the hospital, the tension in the air palpable.

Finally, we arrived at the emergency entrance, and Namjoon screeched to a halt. He rushed to my side, offering his unwavering support. Gently, he guided me out of the car, holding me steady as me made our way inside the bustling hospital.

My breaths came in rapid bursts, my face etched with a mix of anticipation and pain.

Namjoon's voice trembled with a blend of worry and encouragement, "You're doing amazing, Y/n. Just a little longer, and we'll be in the care of the doctors."

Together, we navigated the hospital corridors, our hands tightly intertwined, finding solace in each other's presence.

As we reached the labor and delivery unit, a team of nurses and doctors rushed to their aid, providing the necessary support for my arrival.

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