Chapter 2

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Just like any other school day, Spiroz had to go through it with the usual bullshit. The mocking and secret name-calling from his peers while his teachers did nothing to stop it. Not that he tried telling them anymore since nothing was ever done. When gym came, it was dodgeball this week, and he was hit by every player on the opposite team and a few times by his teammates by "accident," as they called it. He was only grateful he wore a cup during the event, or else he wouldn't be having children of his own.

History class was also a horrible one to deal with because the teacher really was a racist prick who liked to bring up often the superiority of the upper-class races like Goetia and Fallen demons while constantly talking about the inferiority of the lower classes like Imp and Hellhound. Particularly, he spoke about the many failed Imp rebellions and how their descendants carried the sins of their forefathers that anyone with Imp ties, or Imp blood, should be treated with constant caution and distrust. He didn't even need to see his teacher glaring at him to tell that it was all a jab at him because of his half-breed status.

The only time he ever got any peace and quiet was when it was lunchtime, and he could sit on his own with an invisible spell around him. Sometimes Spiroz felt like his life would be a lot better if he had it on him all the time outside the house. He still wished he never stopped being homeschooled, but now it was too late. His fathers still encouraged him to make friends outside of his family or the twins, but that was impossible. Every school that Spiroz had gone to had the entire student body and staff either hate him or ignore him. He had tried, multiple times, to change their mind by trying to use his smarts to impress others, but they treated him like a geek or a cheat because the thought of someone with commoner blood in his veins couldn't be better than their perfect noble genes in their minds. He then tried to be social by joining clubs he thought were interesting, like an astronomy club or gardening club. Those that even bothered to accept him had him do boring stuff or treated him like an errand boy to get them sodas or snacks. They wouldn't let him do any actual stargazing or plant handling.

No, all his efforts did was make him more alienated, mocked, or bullied, so it became apparent to give up on even trying. What do I need other people for anyway? My parents, sisters, Uncle Moxxie, Aunt Millie, Mitsy, and Milton are enough.

So why did it still hurt every time he saw others having fun and laughing like they were having the time of their lives? Why did he cry at night in the silence of his room on a Friday night? And why couldn't he look at a mirror anymore without wanting to punch it?

The bell soon rang, and Sprioz sighed. Lunch was over, but he only had to deal with school for another few hours before he was free. Just as he turned his spell off and got up, he felt something grab him from behind and yanking him up into the air. "The fuck?!" He looked around and saw that the tree was holding him by the branches as if it was alive. Before he could consider what was going on, he was suddenly turned upside down and hanging by his legs as the other students were laughing at this and taking videos. He looked around for the one manipulating the tree until he saw a female green-skinned and haired demon in skimpy red clothing while roots and leaves covered parts of her body. Deadly flowers were growing in her hair of various colors, and she was cuddling next to Spiroz's favorite tormentor, Zolrick. Spiroz quickly recognized her as an Abduscius demon, a nature manipulator, and most likely Zolrick's latest girlfriend judging by how clingy they were.

"Hey, Freakio," Zolrick asked as he walked forward with his smug chick. "What's hanging?"

"Get me the fuck down, Zolrick!" Spiroz shouted while wincing at all the blood going into his head.

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