Chapter 3

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AN: Hey, not much to say. Enjoy

Disclaimer: Spiroz belongs to DaniDraws whose permission I have to use for this fic.


Spiroz didn't often like to brag about himself, but the young hybrid demon often thought of himself as a mix of both intelligent and calm under most circumstances. However, his brain was fried entirely by what he had just experienced no less than ten minutes ago and hadn't once moved from the very spot where it happened. An angel, his mortal enemy, had just finished being friendly with him while poking him around as if he was some exhibit at the zoo with all the happy, bubbly personality of one of those anime girls that Milton liked to watch in secret.

Not only had she not tried to kill him or do some weird angelic heavenly thing on him, but she called him 'cool' and acted friendly towards him as if he was just a stranger. Plus, if he was being honest, Spiroz was definitely impressed by how good her deduction skills were. Not only was she able to tell that he was a Goteia demon, but she also was able to deduce that he was half imp. She even got the raven heritage of the Morganian family we married into twenty-four hundred years ago.

That was impressive on all accounts since few knew of that connection. Spiroz only remembered it because his father told him about it one time as a bedtime story when he was four. Rubbing his head, Spiroz tried to think of what to do next. Well, I'm alive. That's a good thing. Alive but confused. I guess I better just get out of here and get the twins back home before meeting any more angels. Hedwig did say she was with family here.

He paused upon realizing that he actually remembered her name before shaking his head and making a beeline for the campsite.


Thankfully, finding his way back to where the twins were wasn't difficult. It also helped that he teleported there halfway with a spell just in case he was being followed. Arriving at the site in a flash of light and stars, he saw the twins already there looking disappointed. "I take it by your expressions you didn't find any meteor parts."

"All of them were duds!" Mitzy cried out as she kicked a nearby rock in frustration. "This sucks! I wanted to use it to make my bike levitate in the air like E.T. and shoot at people from above as if I was a death incarnate!"

"I thought your parents told you not to kill people unless you had a good reason?" Spiroz asked, tilting his head.

"I was going to be aiming at those eco-freaks downtown who claim we are ruining 'Mother Hell' of all places with our pollution," Mitzy answered with a roll of her eyes. "Like, seriously. I know some people can't get over their past lives and all, but you don't need to worry about saving Hell when Hell is designed to be a polluted mess?"

"Anyway, did you find any?" Milton asked, eyebrow raised.

"Uh, no," Spiroz said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I uhh...found nothing...and found nobody there...nobody..." The twins looked confused by this statement, so a blushing Spiroz quickly coughed into his hand and cleared his throat. "A-Anyway! Let's just head back home before our parents realize what we did."

Spiroz opened the portal, and the three of them started packing up before tossing their stuff into the gateway, where it landed on Spiroz's bed. The three soon began to leave, but Spiroz paused and looked back where he gazed in the direction he had met the strange angel before sighing and going home. After all, what were the odds he would meet her again?


Four days had passed since that night, and Spiroz still couldn't get the meeting out of his head. No matter what he did, the thing that kept coming back was that strange meeting with the owl angel, Hedwig. It wasn't that Spiroz hadn't met angels before; there was that time Mitzy had them sneak into the angel embassy that one time, but they were all so cold and serious. Like gazing into them was like looking at the burning center of a cosmic flare with a storm surrounding it. But with Hedwig, it felt like...different.

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