Chapter 13

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AN: Hey everyone, I know I said that this chapter was going to have the big changing moment, but it got to long so I'm going to have it for next chapter instead. Sorry. But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless

Disclaimer: I do not own Helluva Boss and Spiroz, Milton, and Mitzy belong to artist DaniDraws. Hedwig and her brothers are mine though.


After waiting for two days to ensure everything was calm and collected, Spiroz and Hedwig thought it would be best for everyone who knew about their relationship to come together and talk about it finally. Hedwig had booked a private party room at their favorite ramen place where they could be left undisturbed and free to be in their proper forms, with a bit of help from Octavia warding it for a little extra insurance. And so it was that Spiroz, Milton, Mitzy, Loona, Octavia, Hedwig, Elrohir, and Elladan were sitting at a circular table in a big Japanese-themed room. The silence between the two races of supernatural beings was thick as both sides tried to figure out what to say.

We were able to talk normally before, Spiroz thought with a grumble. Then again, our lives were in danger, which might have had something to do with it.

Finally, Mitzy broke the ice and groaned before putting her hands in the air. "Okay! That's it! Need to ask this!" She pointed at the three angels, leaning over the table, to everyone's surprise. "Did Jesus and Mary Magdalene have a baby together?!"

Milton's facepalm was so loud it echoed across the room.

"Uhh, no?" Hedwig said before smirking. "Wait, you really thought the Da Vinci Code was real?"

"You mean it wasn't a fake false fiction to hide the real truth from the Vatican to hide the secret that Jesus had a human bloodline to keep control over the religion of Christianity and weren't secretly hunting down his descendants?" Mitzy moaned as she collapsed on her seat. "Dang it, I wanted it to be true."

This made the angels laugh, which soon made the demons chuckle, and by the end, everyone was laughing. Shaking her head, Hedwig got up and smiled at the demons on the other side of the table. "Well, let's make this official. I'm Hedwig Illuminus. Spiro's friend. And these are my idiot brothers."

"Tweedledee!" Elladan grinned as he put his arm around his brother.

"And Tweedledumb," said Elrohir as he did the same thing as his twin.

"Ignore them," Hedwig muttered, rolling her eyes. "They're Elladan and Elrohir. Who I'm hoping are adopted because of their antics."

"We love you too, Sis!" They both said.

"And I'm Prince Spiroz Goetia, but the "z" is silent," Spiroz said with a smile as he showed his family. "These are my sisters. Princess Loona Goetia-Buckzo and Princess Octavia Goetia. And my friends Milton and Mitzy Impwazoski."

"Charmed to meet you," Octavia said with a warm smile. "I'm glad my brother has another friend he can depend on."

"Yeah, I guess you guys are okay, but we're still keeping an eye on you," Loona pointed out with her eyes focused on them.

"So, is everyone okay with us being friends?" Spiro asked as Hedwig smiled warmly at him.

"Yes, we have no problem. Our last adventure assured us that, but will we keep this from our parents? Our folks would understand, seeing as our mother is a former demon herself," Elrohir pointed out.

"Yes, but not every angel is understanding, brother," Elladan pointed out with a severe expression. "Granted, nobody has tried to kill us for our existence like young Spiro here. However, considering he is a child born of two fathers, some angels are against his existence, no different than most demons in Hell."

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