Chapter 15

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He had a girlfriend.

Sprioz had a girlfriend.

He still couldn't believe that even though it had been five days since he confessed his feelings to Hedwig. The two of them had only met twice since then to hang out in the forest, curl up with each other, and occasionally kiss while talking about their day. They greeted and said their farewells with an "I love you," which made Spiroz realize just how special those three words he always heard his parents speak to each other. Other times they just texted each other, talking about their actions and how their siblings teased them.

Apparently, it was a big sibling obligation to make fun of your younger sibling when they had a special someone. Spiroz was still surprised that Hedwig's parents were happy she was with someone she loved. Her mother had only been worried about them being too closely related when she heard he was a Goetia, only to relax upon seeing how far they were from the family tree and that they didn't need to worry about fears of incest.

Of course, the only thing they had yet to do was go on an official first date. While technically they did always hang around each other (Which their siblings teased as "pre-dates"), they were doing that as friends. Now that they were officially a couple, they had to have their first romantic evening together, and Spiroz had been the first to suggest it only yesterday. Hedwig happily said she would love to go on a date Friday evening (A safe time for Spiroz since his parents would both be out that night).

There was only one problem that Spiroz had: He had no idea what to do for a date.

Before Hedwig, Spiroz never dreamed he would find someone he would fall in love with. He had several crushes on a few girls before growing up, but those died out when they acted mean or ignored him because of who he was. So he dropped the hope of finding romance together until now. He needs to know what to do for a date, what to wear, and what to do after it.

His parents were out of the question due to them not knowing Spiroz's girlfriend was an angel. Knowing his Dads, they would suggest something embarrassing or lewd, especially since his Imp-Dad had no shame whatsoever. He also couldn't go to Aunt Millie and Uncle Moxxie because he was sure they would tell his parents about Hedwig. The twins were too young to date (according to their parents), and they were just as clueless in romance. And Loona? Her record of disastrous relationships with her numerous boyfriends speaks for itself.

That left his older sister, Octavia.

"Spiro, you need to calm down. Pacing around isn't going to do anything but make you cramp out your legs," Octavia said as she sat on her younger brother's bed. The Imp-Owl hybrid couldn't stop moving or biting his fingers as he tried to think of what to do for his first date with Hedwig. "You're going on your first date. Not getting ready to go to war."

"But the first date is always important! It has to be memorable! Something we can remember for the rest of our lives!" Spiroz pointed out as he rubbed his head with both hands. "Should we go to France? We could kiss on the Eiffel Tower. Maybe Spain? We can go to a nice paella restaurant. Italy is a romantic place. I just need to avoid getting too close to the Vatican, or I'll burst into flames. Or we could visit the moon! Picnic on the dark side of Luna! Romantic, right?!"

"First off, take a deep breath," Octavia said, grabbing him by the shoulders and getting him to slowly calm down by rubbing them. He took a few deep breaths and nodded. "Good. Now tell me. Is Hedwig the kind of girl who would be impressed by any of that?"

"...No," Spiroz sighed as he began to sulk. "She already lives in Heaven, for crying out loud. Plus, her family visited Earth so often it wouldn't be a romantic area."

"So show her someplace she's never seen before, but you have. A special place that means so much to you that you want to share it with her," Ocavia said as she giggled. "That's what Samual did for me when we dated. He took me to the Ring of Envy, and we had our first date on the beach by the Sea of Desire. His parents proposed there, and every year on their anniversary, they would take him there to play and have fun growing up. It symbolized something important in his family, and Samual took me there to show he wanted me to be part of that life."

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