Chapter 8

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Hey gang! We're back! Another episode with some drama and emotional moments. Plus, more closeness between Spiroz and Hedwig. Enjoy.

Once again Spiroz belongs to DaniDraws ( and Hedwig is my OC.

Spiroz had been in trouble before. One time, he drew with crayons on his father's favorite books when he was two. There was another time when he booby-trapped his little sister's makeup. And that one incident was only to be muttered as "The Orange Juice Disaster" forever more.

However, this was beyond any trouble that Spiroz had ever done. Because, as of two hours ago, he had murdered a demon. Not intentionally, but it had happened because of the Evil Eye amulet he was wearing. Spiroz knew it was powerful, and he trusted Hedwig's description of it, but either she or both of them underestimated how powerful it could be when it came to protecting its wielder. Because not only was Fizzarolli dead, he was permanently dead. The holy power it projected utterly destroyed him and left nothing more than a burned skeleton whose expression was one of utter agony in their final moments. It didn't take long for Stolas to quickly order everyone home ASAP before anyone could ask questions. Samuel stayed behind to deal with the authorities and press, but he did state he also wanted answers later. Mainly because, as a demon himself, Spiroz shouldn't have been able to wear an Evil Eye pendant.

Again, Spiroz felt that he had ruined everything. This was supposed to be a nice night to meet Octavia's boyfriend, and he fucked it up. He didn't know why he wore the necklace when Spiroz knew there was a risk he could be discovered with it, but Spiroz always felt the need to wear it. Maybe he really liked Hedwig that much, or perhaps he just wanted a part of her to be with him all the time? Regardless, it now opened a new can of trouble as he sat on the couch in their living room with a hot cup of cocoa in his hands.

Loona and Octavia were instantly at each of his sides, comforting him as he was still coming to terms with the idea that he had killed someone. It was said that killing someone was a mark of becoming a true demon in Hell, but Spiroz didn't like the idea of killing. Sure, his Dad trained him to be an assassin like him, but Spiroz never was one for bloodshed. He just preferred to avoid such things. On the other end of the coffee table, sitting with concern and holding a strong drink, was Stolas, who was in intense concentration. Blitzo was pacing around with worry and confusion. Millie, Moxxie, and the twins were still there, standing at the side, unsure what to say or even do.

Finally, the silence ended when Blitzo stopped pacing and looked at his son with the most severe expression ever. "Spiroz?" The hybrid demon winced upon hearing his name with the "z," which his parents only ever did when they were being serious. "I want you to tell me right here, and right now, where did you get that Evil Eye?"

"It's...well...," Spiroz gulped under the glaring eyes of his Dad and his Father as well. He didn't want to tell them about Hedwig. How could he just confess that he was friends with an angel when not long ago they were talking about how much they hated angels. Would his parents hate him? Forbid him from seeing her again. Or, Satan forbid, kill her?

"He got it from me."

Everyone whipped their heads towards Octavia, who slowly stood up and crossed her arms. "I gave it to him."

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