Chapter 5

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AN: Again, sorry for not updating chapter 4 awhile ago. Here is chapter 5 with it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel. Spiroz, Milton, and Mitzy are property of DaniDraws whose permission I have to use their characters.


If you were to ask Spiroz what his relationship with his sisters was like, he'd tell you that they were some of the most influential people in his life. It was weird having two sisters of adult age, but since demons lived long lives, it wasn't too off to have a sibling or two who was much older than what a typical sibling's age would be. By the time Spiroz had been born, his adopted older sister, Loona, and his older half-sister, Octavia, had well been in their twenties. Still, that didn't stop them from adoring their little brother despite their image.

Loona had always been the big sister that Spiroz could count on to defend him from any bullies or people having problems with him because of his birth status or half-breed status. The number of limbs she had torn off and kept as a personal collection was a testament to that. Of course, as he got older, she started treating him more like an adult by letting him get away with listening to music and watching programs he wasn't supposed to learn about at his age. Loona also started taking Spiroz to clubs and her favorite stores and hung out with him whenever his father was busy. Sure, they had their fights like normal siblings, but she didn't stay mad at him for long after getting her revenge, usually a noogie or wedgie. The furthest she went was swirling Spiroz's head in the toilet, but to be fair, he had ruined her phone by testing out a lightning spell that he missed. Yet, he was always there to comfort his big sister whenever some guy broke her heart, or she felt left out by other Hellhounds who thought she wasn't cool enough. Much as she tried to hide it, Loona had some self-esteem issues, which helped bond the two of them in a similar context.

But if Loona was the fun sibling, then Octavia was the responsible sibling. She was always the one who babysat Spiroz whenever asked, and sometimes she did it of her own free will. Octavia babied him and was always careful to ensure he was safe and protected. She would wash him, change him, feed him, rock him to sleep, and sing to him whenever he asked. Even now, no longer a baby, Spiroz still loved hearing his older sister sing. His love of reading and magic may have come from their father, Stolas, but Octavia had also played a role by secretly teaching young Spiroz various spells that she learned. But out of all his family members, Octavia was the one that Spiroz trusted the most with his secrets. And one incident always made it clear that he could trust her...

***Seven Years Ago***

A young seven-year-old Spiroz was bored. His fathers were out of the day on business, and he couldn't find either of his big siblings. He hoped his favorite playmates, Mitsy and Milton, could come over and play, but Uncle Moxxie said they were both sick with the flu. So a bored owl-imp child decided to explore the mansion and find something interesting to do. He didn't want to bother the servants or guards since they were on duty, and Papa scolded him one time for always bothering them for attention.

Spiroz knew his big sister Octavia was home, so maybe they could play together? He was interested in trying chess again after learning it from her last time. Of course, this time I'll win! Even though I've lost over sixteen times, I can win this time!

He made his way to the living room, where he paused upon seeing someone he had never seen before sitting on the couch, looking almost as angry as his big sister Loona whenever some guy dumped her for the evening. He wasn't sure what that meant, but they had to be jerks for angering his big sister. The woman was a swan, tall and regal, with white feathers and a fancy dress with a crown on her head. She kept looking at the other side of the living room as if she was expecting someone.

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