Chapter 11

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The moment Spiroz heard Hedwig's voice, his eyes widened in shock. He shot himself up and watched in horror as his best friend got the cybernetic demon's attention and quickly started shooting at her. He nearly had a heart attack and screamed her name before she ducked for cover.

"Hedwig!" Spiroz shouted in terror, which got the other's attention.

"Wait, Hedwig's here?" Mitzy asked in surprise.

"Yeah! And now the...demons are..." Spiroz paused as his eyes widened before he zipped his head towards Mitzy in shock. "How do you know about Hedwig?!"

Milton moaned and smacked his sister on the head. "Nice going, Sis. Want any other secrets to blab about while you're at it."

"I know you still sleep with a John Cena doll in your bed," Mitzy replied with a grin that made Milton smack her again, but this time harder.

"Wait, you knew?! All of you?!" Spiroz asked as he turned to his big sister, who winced. Growling, Spiroz shouted, "Have you three been stalking us?!"

"I prefer the term following, but that's the least of our worries!" Loona said as she grabbed her brother and rushed to the nearest wall. "Right now! We need to get out of here!"

"No! I won't leave Hedwig! She needs me!" Spiroz shouted, pulling away from his big sister. "Besides, I doubt we'll be able to leave anyway! Those guys out there are professional assassins! No doubt they already cut off our means of portaling back home! We can't leave!"

"Well, we can't stay here and wait to get killed! We're kinda in between a rock and a hard place here!" Loona pointed out

"Um, are those other angels out there with Hedwig?" Milton asked as the group looked outside to see older-looking owl demons who looked very similar to each other, protecting Hedwig with energy shields.

"Those must be her brothers, Elrohir and Elladan," Spiroz reasoned.

"Wait, as in the Lord of the Rings elf twins?" Loona asked in surprise. "Do angels name their children after characters in books or something?"

"I'm surprised you even read Lord of the Rings," Miltzy said in awe. "I thought that was way above your reading level."

"Just because I dress up as a goth and listen to hardcore metal doesn't mean I can't read classic literature, dumbass," Loona growled.

"Um, if I can divert our conversation from books to the fact that we're stuck in a warzone and need to focus on getting out of here, please?" Milton pointed out.

"What about calling for help back home?" Mitzy asked.

Loona took out her cell and started calling. However, all she got was static. "Damnit, they blocked our communications to Hell as well."

Spiroz then checked his phone and tried to text Hedwig, and, to his surprise, it got through. This gave him an idea. "Look, I have a plan! We need to meet up with Hedwig and her brothers somewhere! All of us are in danger, so it makes sense to team up!"

"You want us to work with angels?!" Loona asked in disbelief.

"Yes, and unless you want to end up six feet under, we're going to do what I say because I'm already pissed enough that you three have been stalking me! I'm not losing my family or my best friend and her family out of some stupid rivalry between our home realms, so please just listen to me for once, shut the fuck up, and let's do this!" Spiroz shouted while his eyes, unbeknownst to him, started glowing dark blue with a hint of black around the edges which made the three back up a bit in shock.

"Woah," Mitzy said in shock.

Taking a deep breath, Spiroz started typing into his phone and said, "Please, trust me. Let's meet at the Old Navy. It's far enough for us to plan without being spotted."

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