Chapter 18

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While all of Hell was being rocked by a revelation that had shocked it's very core, the two who were the center of such controversy were ignorantly enjoying themselves on a date as always. After the two ate their favorite food together, they went on a bit of a shopping spree for some items that Spiroz needed to work on the mananite project of his. Contrary to what people believed, magical rituals didn't always involve exoctic things like eyes or blood. Sometimes your everyday household ingredients were enough.

One Spiroz teleported the stuff back to his home, and Hedwig decided to finish their date by walking around the forest. Holding hands, the couple enjoyed the silence together while taking in each other's touch. Spiroz had often heard that the first time you ever fell in love it was something truly special and they were right. Falling in love with Hedwig had been the greatest thing that ever happened to him. For the first time in his life, Spiroz felt truly happy and that all was right in the world.

"Um, Spiroz?" Hedwig's attention got him. "I was wondering. Do you want to meet my parents?"

"Y-Your parents?" Spiroz gulped as the thought of meeting them made him freeze up.

"I mean, they know about you and all," Hedwig pointed out. "And they don't have a problem with us. Plus, my mom is very distantly related to you and I know she would love to see a member of her old family again."

"How would I meet them though? I can't go to Heaven," Spiroz pointed out.

"We can meet on Earth or get you permission to head to Purgatory?" Hedwig said with a giggle. "I want them to meet the guy I've completely fallen feathers for."

"Heh, well..." He blushed and looked deeply into her eyes. "That makes two of us."

The two shared a quick kiss before Spiroz nodded. "Okay, let's do it."

"Great," Hedwig said as she got out her phone. "Let me just update my parents about what's...going..."

Hedwig's eyes widened and her face slowly started to turn white to pale. Spiroz immediately got worried and was about to ask what was wrong when the phone from Hedwig's talons dropped to the floor. He went to pick it up, but before he could he saw that it was a text from one of her brothers. A specific line soon made him freeze up:





Spiroz pulled out this phone and felt his heart sinking upon seeing the multiple texts and calls from his sisters and best friends. Each demanded to know where he was and to get home ASAP. He soon discovered why, as news alerts were coming every five seconds. He cursed himself for shutting his phone off during his date. Dread came pouring in like a tidal wave as news articles showed photos and videos of him and Hedwig on all their dates.

Someone found out.

Someone knew the truth.

And it was now being spread to everyone in Hell.

It wasn't just the news. Every demonic social media was talking about it from Sinstagram to Voxbook. Everyone showed the video as words began to appear multiple times, like "Ozzie," "Spiroz," "Abomination," and "Traitor." Demons were demanding his or Hedwig's head. There was so much disgust and hatred that Spiroz felt like his entire world had just crumbled into pieces. He was already hated for his existence based on the circumstances of his birth. This? This just made him utterly abhorred to the point that practically most of Hell was demanding his outright death.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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