Chapter 14

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It had been a few days since the incident, and both respective parties thought it would be best to stay separated for a while to avoid more assassins being sent their way. Hedwig wasn't worried so much for herself or her brothers as she was worried for Spiroz. Everyone believed the killers were targeting him, and the reason ranged from his existence to what happened with Fizzarolli. Hedwig had gone a long way to try and not look down upon demons like other angels did to have an open mind both due to the heritage on her mother's side and on the moral basis of being kind and giving others a chance.

But the fact that so much of Hell's population hated and denied the existence of one of the sweetest and kindest people that Hedwig had ever known made her wish she could make them regret their actions. Spiroz had told her so much about his horrible life where his entire home realm denied him the right to be treated like a living being because of how he was born. Such a thing was terrible in Hedwig's eyes, but the incident at the mall really impacted how bad it was. Her life was in the hands of that assassin demon who was willing to kill her just to accomplish his mission to kill Spiroz.

It was scary to think that she wouldn't be lying on her bed, alive and well if things didn't turn out as they did. I could be lying inside my coffin instead.

Sighing, Hedwig slowly got up and rested her knees against her chest. She missed her best friend despite agreeing to keep themselves separate for a while. They texted a few times, but it wasn't the same. Hedwig had gotten so used to seeing him so often, or at least talking to him openly, that the silence was deafening to her. It starkly contrasted how she used to love the quiet so she could continue to do her research without worry. Heh, my life's changed a lot since I met him.

When she first met Spiroz, Hedwig didn't know what to think of him except as a chance to get to know a demon personally for her studies. Then she saw him as a friend who quickly turned to best friend status. Now her heart belonged to him and him alone. They say you always knew your first real love, and Hedwig couldn't deny it anymore.

She loved Spiroz.

Despite his devilish physical qualities, he was kind, gentle, intelligent, and handsome. In fact, those demonic aspects of him made Spiroz even more exotic in her eyes. His piercing gaze with those red-slitted owl eyes. His soft and beautiful feather design. Even his horns were adorable. But the best was his smile. It was rare to see a genuine full-on smile in Spiroz, but when did he show it? It was like hearing the Heavenly Choir itself sing "Hallelujah."


"Ugh! But what do I do?!" Hedwig moaned as she fell back to her pillow before grabbing one of her smaller ones and hugging it. "It's been thousands of years since a demon and angel got together! Not since before the Great Flood! Plus, he's royalty, and I'm a commoner even if my Dad is a general in the army! And he's got his family and mine! Ugh! Why did God give me such a handsome boy to befriend and love?!"

That was also another major issue. How was God, along with the rest of the major Heavenly Host, going to react upon hearing one of their fellow angels was having feelings for a demon, much less a relationship? It was different from loving a redeemed demon because they were now certified angels. This was a person who had never been baptized, received communion, been blessed by the Holy Spirit, or received the Grace of God! Heck, Spriroz probably never went to church once since his family never went out of their way to worship Satan at their temples in Hell.

There was also the fact that she was not really of "demonic quality" despite loving to study them and having demon blood (all be it purified) from her mother's side. She didn't want to learn demonic magic and hated the idea of doing drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, or sex before marriage. She hated the idea of committing sins, even for fun. Granted, Spiroz never asked her to do that, nor did he seem interested in committing grave sins for pleasure or amusement as other demons did. It was more like something Loona would do. But would Hedwig be expected to do some of it? Would Spiroz be asked to do a few "virtuous" things in return?

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