Chapter 17

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Disclaimer: I do not own Helluva Boss. Spiroz and all characters in his universe belong to artist DaniDraws

If there was one thing Spiroz was glad about when it came to not going to this ball, it was that he didn't have to deal with his father's obsession with looking perfect. His father could be such a drama queen when it came to looking his best for himself and all his kids. Spiroz could remember when he had picture day at school when he was eight, and his Owl Dad had the servants spend four hours getting him all prepped and puffed up so that he looked like some Renaissance Era French Noble. That photo was still on the wall even after all these years, and Spiroz just wished he could burn it to ash.

"Right, I need more eyeliner. Blitzy, comb to your horns. Octavia, darling, you must wear a different jewelry set; it doesn't go well with your hair. Ugh, Loona! How many times have I told you to wash your fur twice? You know it's wilder than my weeds in the south gardens," Stolas shouted as he ran around trying to get everyone in order, but Spiroz, who was watching the whole thing in amusement.

"Is it too late to not go to this thing?" Loona grumbled as one maid combed her hair while another dusted off any lint on her black and white spider-web-designed dress.

"Why did you even want to come in the first place?" Octavia asked, wearing her usual navy blue and purple royal outfit when she went to court.

"Free booze."

"You're rich enough to buy an entire winery," Octavia said with a deadpan expression.

"Yeah, but it's free," Loona said with a shrug. "You must have lived in poverty to get it, Sis."

Spiroz only giggled at his sister's interactions before noticing that his Imp Dad wore a Hawaiian T-shirt, shades, swim trunks, and sandals. "Dad, why are you dressed like that?"

"Queen Charlie said to dress as you want, and since I know every other rich person is going to be dressed as their best, I'm going to dress up in something nice for the weather since it's been humid as fuck all month," Blitzo said as he raised his sunglasses and winked.

"I'm surprised Father allowed you to go like this?" Spiroz pointed out in confusion.

"I told him we'd do something special tonight in bed if he let me," Blitzo answered with a grin. "It involved a motor, ketchup, six lemons, a howler monkey, tons of chains, a vibrator, and-"

"I don't want to know! I don't want to know! I don't want to know!" Spiroz shouted as he covered his head to drown it all out.

Stolas, dressed in a classic black tux with his usual cape and hat, returned to the room and smiled. "Alright, then! We're all ready!"

"Finally," Loona said as she rolled her eyes. "Let's get this over with."

Stolas opened a portal and prepared to get everyone ready save for Spiroz, who would not be joining them. He knelt before his son and said, "We'll text you to let you know when we'll be home. Milton and Mitzy should be here soon, so feel free to do what you guys wish to do as long as it is reasonable. Are you sure you don't want to come? I promise it won't be like the past parties with Queen Charlie there."

"It's fine, Dad," Sprioz replied with a smile that made his Dad tilt his head. "What?"

"Nothing, look...different..." Stolas whispered. "Your aura is a lot brighter these days."

"...Guess I'm just happier," Spiroz said as he thought about a particular girlfriend he would soon see.

"I guess so," Stolas said as he hugged his son and kissed him on the forehead. "See you soon, Starlight."

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