Chapter 4

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AN: Sorry everyone, I forgot to post this chapter when I updated it around Christmas time on Ao3. Ugh. Please enjoy this and chapter 5 which is uploaded right now.

Disclaimer: I do not own Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel. Spiroz, Milton, and Mitzy are property of DaniDraws whose permission I have to use their characters.


It had been a month since Spiroz and Hedwig had become friends, and the former had never been happier. Whenever they weren't meeting in the woods to talk or share snacks from their respective home realms, they were texting and calling each other whenever they had free time. For Spiroz, it was a new experience to have someone outside of his family to talk to, and while he would always consider Mitzy and Milton to be his best friends, they were sometimes more like cousins due to their close parents. To have someone outside of his current family life, someone who didn't judge him by his looks, was a relief for the young teen hybrid.

Of course, there were still some things he kept from Hedwig. Such as the fact that he was born from two fathers and his imp dad was an assassin who killed humans in the human world. Hedwig might have been friendly to him, but she was still a new friend, and it would take time to trust her with that knowledge. Still, Spiroz enjoyed their growing relationship. To celebrate their first month anniversary of being friends in a few days, they decided to prepare gifts for each other.

Walking through the grand library of his home, Spiroz pressed his finger against the multiple grand tomes of the shelves while reading each of their titles. Since Hedwig always wanted to learn more about Hell and its culture, Spiroz decided to give her a book written by demons to help her. He felt a smile stretch his lips as he thought about how excited she was each time they met to learn something new about his home realm. Learning about Heaven was also exciting, and there were so many things that Spiroz didn't know that it amazed him. Such things included:

The concept of a limitless realm with no endless space.

How the Empheyan worked and modified itself through mere thought and desire.

The genealogical differences between all various angels, from the normal types to the powerful Seraphim.

Even the basic understanding of Metatron's Cube, one of the astrological wonders of creation, was like golden nuggets for the inquisitive owl imp.

Spending time with Hedwig was like an escape from the life he had. One where he felt like either a burden to those around him or a mistake in the eyes of society. Plus, she's fun to hang out with if I'm being honest. Not to mention she's as kind as...well...and angel, heh.

His finger soon stopped at one of several copies of "The Complete Goetia History From Creation To Now." It was a very common book all the Goetia Noble families had in their libraries with multiple copies to read. Figuring that his parents wouldn't miss one out of several, he took the book and put it under his wing before making his way to the exit hall. Just as he was about to leave, Stolas arrived and saw his son before smiling.

"Ah, Spiro," Stolas said with a nod. "How are you doing, my Starlight?"

"I'm fine, Father," Spiroz said with a nod back. "I was just getting a book to read for tonight."

"Oh, I was about to do the same thing. Blitzy's going to be out late again for a job, so I figured I'd get something to read before he comes home," Stolas answered.

"What is it? A magical book? Herbology?" Spiroz asked, tilting his head.

"Kama-Sutra, The Lust Edition," Stolas happily said, which made Spiroz slowly turn green upon hearing it. It didn't help that Stolas then had a perverted grin on his face with stars in his eyes as he clapped his hands together and giggled. "I only just remembered I have the old version from four hundred years ago. The one that still has that illegal position of using-"

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