War of The Realms #8

534 34 33

Godslayers: Monster, Ghost Rider, Black Cat

Cabal: Malekith
Strikers Manor...

You sat on the edge of the War Table as Robbie and Felicia waited for your orders.

Y/N: War is still raging across Earth. But if I don't come alone to face Malekith, he'll kill Toxin. It seems like an unwinnable challenge.

You then smiled.

Y/N: But he doubts how stupid I can be.  If only a Godslayer can save the day....then we just need more Godslayers.

Robbie: Well, good thing you have two more just sitting around, right?

Felicia nodded in agreement. You got off the table and popped out your claws.

Y/N: Then let's get going. We have a Symbiote to save and a war to end.

As you marched forward, Felicia and Robbie followed.

And the thunder sounds across the Realms, as has never been heard before.

From the fields of Alfheim to the Mountains of the Dwarves.

From the glowing roots of the World Tree to the frozen seas of Hel.

From the ruined halls of the Gods to the war-torn cities if Midgard.

The golden power flashes like stars exploding. Rain falls with the fury of power.

And every eye does lift with fear and wonder, to behold the coming, of the storm of Godslayers.

Cabal War

Malekith smiled as he closed his eyes and held his arms out towards the sky.

He then took a deep breath.

Malekith: Hear that rumble? He's coming. Racing to his own doom, on the wings of a storm. For the Godslayer loved the world.

He laughed loudly as streams of Toxin spread to his Dark Elf Assassins. Their appearances began to shift and change to resemble something much darker.

Malekith: Be ready, my children! The final wind hunt begins now!

Malekith himself lifted the Reality Stone towards the sky. He grinned as he placed it upon the back of his hand.

Y/N: Malekith! Give me my son!

Malekith looked up at the sky as three golden figures descended like angels. He smiled.

Malekith: Isn't this interesting. No one but a Godslayer should be able to cross the spells I placed around this ring of stones.

Robbie: Maybe you should've narrowed it down some more!

Felicia: This war ends now, Malekith!

Malekith just laughed. As he did, however, something began to happen.

Malekith: Perhaps you should have brought more friends. You might not survive at this rate!

Your eyes grew wide as Malekith activated the Reality Stone mixed with his dark magic. He began to grow and change.

Malekith: The Symbiote has been a great study. It has been engorged with my magic. And I have plenty of elves for you to play with, while I deal with the Monster!

 And I have plenty of elves for you to play with, while I deal with the Monster!

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Monster: Cabal War (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now