Otherworld/Fallen Angels #1

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Strikers: Monster, Scarlet Witch, Wolverine, Bruiser, Toxin, Loki, Wave, Crystal

Unaffiliated: Sabertooth
Molly tossed and turned as she slept in her bed. The blankets were now covered in sweat and her body was on fire.

She saw haunting visions. Those that scared her mind and made her shake. Things that she had never seen before.

She had no idea if they were her own dreams, or Toxin's. The dark magic that was still bound to him was now plaguing her mind.

You are not dreaming, Molly Hayes. Listen. These are the most important words you will ever hear.

Your enemy is named Apoth. You just kill a God.

Molly: W-W-Who are you?!

Do not ask my name! When Abraham heard the voice of truth, he did not ask. He listened. He placed his child on the slab. He raised the knife.

I am truth.

And you are not dreaming.

You'll wither here, Molly, in the bosom of Y/N's peace.

Molly cried out as her mind began to scream at her.

Mankind is evolving itself. Apoth is the tertragammaton. The new name of God.

And by peace shall he unite all and destroy many.

Go to New York. The train. It began with the train.

Stop him.

This is not a dream.

Molly's eyes shot open and she sat up. She breathed deeply as she looked around her room.

Toxin: What was that?

Molly: I.....I don't know.

That, was a calling.

Cabal War

Y/N: Here we are. The, uh, Light House.

You and your small team looked at the magical Light House that served as both the home base for Captain Britain and the gates of Avalon.

Brian: Well, there you are, Strikers.

You smiled as you shook the hand of Captain Britan

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You smiled as you shook the hand of Captain Britan. Brian, as you learned.

Y/N: Hello, Brian. It's good to see you again.

Brian: Likewise. I'm actually really glad you're here.

Wanda: Why is that?

Brian sighed. It seems like the problem may be worse than you thought.

Monster: Cabal War (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now