Otherworld/Fallen Angels #2

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Strikers: Monster, Scarlet Witch, Wolverine, Bruiser, Toxin, Loki, Wave, Crystal

Program: Nova, Wasp
You held up a ball of magical fire while your team prepared themselves for the wave of evil knights.

Yeah. This was your life. 17 years old and fighting knights in Camelot.

Y/N: We need a way out of here. Wanda, can you....

Wanda: I will open a doorway, but I need time.

Y/N: Then we'll make time. Focus on that door. Everyone else, you know what to do.

Loki created a sword and tossed it to you. You caught it while Crytsal started to create a shield of rock to protect Wanda. Pearl pulled out her own swords.

Y/N: Strikers, STRIKE!

Cabal War

You blocked a blade before you snapped your fingers. A surge of electricity spread through the knight's body which gave you the opening to kick his chest.

You were trying to avoid killing these people. Mostly for your own self morals, but also because you knew they had no control over their bodies.

They didn't want to fight you, hut they had no choice.

While you all fought, Wanda worked as fast as she could to conjure a doorway to send you all back to your world. However, she wasn't the only one with magic in this world.

Morgan: How pointless. They choose to resist even when they are in my domain. It's just like Taskmaster had said.

Your eyes grew wide at the name. Taskmaster was here? Where?


Morgan: No matter. They wish to go home? I'll send them right to the source.

Before any one could do anything, Morgan waved her hands around. Dark magic trailed behind every movement she made.

Soon, it was surrounding you and your team, retraining your movement. Then, you began to feel it.

Y/N: Ahhhh!

In an instant, you were all gone from the throne room. Morgan and her knights remained.

Brian: Where did they go? Did you kill them?

Morgan: No. That would have been far too easy. It is below me. I sent them elsewhere. The lands of Otherworld will take care of them for us. Now, come. We have a war to prepare for.

Morgan walked towards her throne but Brian did not move. Though he could not speak his mind nor could he control what he did, he could still think.

Brian: Be careful, Strikers. And please hurry back and stop her before Camelot becomes a wasteland.
Molly had only been to New York once. When you were supposed to have that training session with the Program.

Things didn't go as planned, however, so she never got to explore the city. But she was now here, by herself, on a mission that was completely off the record.

No support from any other Striker. Only her and Toxin against this unseen force.

She came to a stop when she found herself standing in front of the Program HQ. The former Avenger's Tower. This was where she would find what she was looking for.

Monster: Cabal War (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now