The Ghost Riders #2

182 14 3

Strikers: Monster, Scarlet Witch, Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Bloodstone

Unaffiliated: Hellstrom, Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze)
Robbie had always lived his life on the line. When his parents died and he was left to take care of Gabe, he knew that he needed to. He did what he could for money. He worked his ass off but he needed other ways of providing. That's why he started racing.

When he was in the driver's seat he was invincible. He was something greater than himself. He could speed like a bat outta hell.

But now, he really was in hell. Not in a metaphorical sense, but he was actually in hell. He held the steering wheel tightly as the sounds of a motorcycle approached between the traffic of rusted cars filled with corpses.

Johnny: What gives, kid? I was halfway to the lakes of fire when I realized you weren't even driving.

Robbie: Leave me alone.

Johnny: Geez, someone's a buzzkill. You gonna race or what?

Robbie just sat there. Slowly, he rolled up his window making Johnny sigh. He reached over and broke the window before grabbing the younger rider.

Johnny: Stop dicking around, boy. You're a Rider, so start acting like one.

Robbie broke his grip and shoved him away. Johnny responded by kicking the side of the car, sending it off the freeway and towards the pits of Hell. Robbie's body jerked from the impact, smacking his head in the wheel. Johnny ramped off the side of the bridge and landed right in front of him.

Johnny: You better start driving, or I'm kicking your ass!
You rubbed your chin as you looked at the data the computer collected from the exorcism. Seemed like the spike of power came from magic. That must have been why Robbie was suddenly pulled away some how.

Laura: So what's the call?

Wanda: We will have to be wary of our response. The lands of Hell aren't anything to take lightly.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm aware.

You looked to Hellstrom who was speaking with Elsa. Seemed like they were already preparing for the worse. But the question that ran through your mind was why Robbie was pulled to Hell. Someone would be behind it, but who?

The Mansion was let free from it's lockdown and everyone had begun to go back to business, but the aura of magic still hung in the room. Maybe you could use it to get to Hell?

Hellstrom: Have you made up your mind?

You nodded.

Y/N: We'll go. Once we find Robbie, we'll pull out.

Elsa: Sounds like a fucking party.

She immediately cocked her shotgun and you could swear you heard the sound of a guitar being shredded. You and Laura shared a knowing look before you turned back to Hellstrom.

Y/N: Can you get us there?

Hellstrom: I can, but getting you back may prove to be difficult. There's a chance that you won't make it back.

A dangerous mission with a low possibility of it panning out? Sounds like a normal Thursday. You and your team moved to the center of the pentagram where Hellstrom sighed. You really were reckless just like your father.

Hellstrom: Your funeral.
Robbie grunted as a splash of dismembered fingers hit his window. He wasn't in Rider mode but he was still keeping up fairly well with Johnny. He didn't want to race, but it could be his only way home. And maybe even a way to get rid of the spirit that was screaming at him to hurry up and win.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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