Road to Otherworld

671 33 14

Strikers: Monster, Scarlet Witch, Loki, Wave, Crystal

Staff: Alex Wilder, Arsenic
Reporter: Heroes? Heroes?! You call these kids running around causing problems heroes?! These Strikers are nothing more than wannabe Avengers! And we all remember what happened the last time that happened. Two words, people, two words. Civil. War.

You stood in front of the monitors with your arms crossed. Alex and Gertrude just watched the news coverage that had you fuming.

Reporter: And who's even watching these brats? The Avengers? SHIELD? No. They're independent!

Y/N: One more God damn word and I swear to Odin that I will go Godslayer just so I can shove my boot up this bitch's......!!!

Alex: Okay!

Alex quickly muted the news as the reporter continued bashing your team. You pinched the bridge of your nose with a groan.

Gertude: Well, I mean, doesn't it mean you guys made it if you have a hater?

Y/N: Not when they can bash on international television! We just saved the world. Again! Why is she complaining?!

Alex: Cause she has nothing better to do? People have always hated heroes. I mean, think about all the crap the Avengers still gets. Hell, the Program is lucky to be under the radar.

You stared at the screen before you decided it wasn't worth it anymore. So what if she was talking smack? You knew better.

Y/N: Whatever.

You turned away and started to walk out. Alex and Gertrude followed.

Y/N: So, any reports about our underwater friend?

Alex: Nothing yet.

Y/N: And from Dracula?

Alex: Still MIA. Same with the entire Cabal. No new reports.

You frowned.

Gertrude: But, on the plus side, everyone has been keeping up with their school work. Not that it really matters, I suppose.

It really didn't. But you also didn't want them to not have a choice to further their education.

Y/N: Well, I guess we can take it easy for now.

Cabal War

The Outerworld.

A kingdom in darkness, it's beloved king, Arthur Pendragon, missing. The beautiful castle which sat in the center of the magical lands was under attack.

Gaheris: On my mark!

The knight lowered his hand which signaled the launch of the catapult. The flaming rocks flew through the air before it clashed against the stone walls. The knights that stood guard met their end in a blazing inferno.

Gaheris growled at the attacking soldiers. They had suddenly appeared out of no where. All weilding weapons from another world.

Gaheris: Arrows aflame, men! Burn the catapults!

???: Sir Gaheris.

The knight turned and dropped to his knee at the presence of his Ladyship.

Morgan Le Fey herself.

Monster: Cabal War (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now