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Strikers: Monster, Scarlet Witch, Cloak, Dagger, Ghost Rider, Bruiser, Toxin, Enchantress, Squirrel Girl, Bloodstone, Crystal, Loki, Black Cat
Y/N: Awwwwwww, fuck yes.

You let out a sigh of relief as you relax inside of the indoor healing spring. Or, pool, really. You happily allowed yourself to relax as the water healed all wounds.

Well, the ones on the outside.

Elsa: I fully agree with that statement, love. This is just fucking great.

Oh, and some of your friends were here as well.

You, Elsa, Tryone, Doreen, Crystal, Loki, and Wanda all enjoyed the water.

All wearing your birthday suits.

No shame.

Wanda: I still feel horrible about not being there for most of the War.

Crystal: You did a lot by getting everyone out of New York. You're fine.

Y/N: Yeah. Besides, I was gone for most of it as well.

Loki: As was I. This entire healing and rest period makes me wonder if this is what Odin Sleep is like.

You all looked at him.

Loki: A week long rest for the Allfather.

Tyrone: I like that idea. Let's do that.

Crystal: Back at the Royal City of Attilan, we have a room filled with nothing but comfort. Perhaps I can convince my sister to allow us to use it?

You just smiled at the thought. That sounds nice. Although, you did wonder what the others were doing.

Especially Molly.
The youngest Striker sat in her room with the lights off.

She had her blanket around herself as she hugged her knees.

Malekith moved faster than Molly could react. He tightened his grip on his blade, and thrusted it into Molly's gut which caused Toxin to cry out.

Flame engulfed all three of them before anyone realized what was going on.

Molly relieved that moment again and again. And she wasn't the only one.

Toxin had now formed trauma of it's own. Being used in such a way, it still felt the dakr magic flowing through it's veins.

The two only feed each other's fears with even more. Their minds, slowly cracking as they locked themselves away from the world.
Robbie: You sure this is a good idea, Tandy?

Tandy: What? Stealing the speedboat? Or the fact that the three of us are now going to be in the middle of an isolated body of water?

Robbie looked over to Felicia who was looking out at the coast of Burns. They all wore coats which had the Striker logo on the shoulders.

This was.....weird.

Robbie and Felicia were together, now she was with you, and you were with Tandy before you both broke things off so that you could be with Felicia.

How the hell did this happen?

Robbie: No, I meant that....wait, we're stealing it?

He turned to Felicia.

Monster: Cabal War (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now