Otherworld/Fallen Angels #3

447 27 1

Strikers: Monster, Scarlet Witch, Bruiser, Toxin, Loki, Crystal, Wave

Program: Wasp, Nova
You had been walking for a while now. You had no idea where you were even going at this point. The Sheirff didn't say anything unless it was to her men.

Your team was starting to get restless. You didn't blame them, either.

Loki: Where are you taking us, exactly? We've been walking for miles.

Sheriff: We'll be there soon enough, Asgardian. And believe me, you'll know.

She looked to you before she turned back. She really did seem to know you. She called you by name earlier.

But how? You didn't even know where you were.

Wanda: Monster.

You looked back to her.

Wanda: There magical energy here is....different. It's pure.

Crystal: And what does that mean?

Wanda: It means that we're nearing the source of the magic from our world. I believe I know where we are.

Y/N: You do?

Wanda nodded.

Wanda: We are.....

???: At the Starlight Citadel.

You all stopped and focused your attention up front. Indeed, there was a massive structure before you that wasn't there before. However, what really caught your eye was the person standing there.

A few yards in front of the Sheriff was a man dressed in pearl white armor.

Sheriff: Well, I'll be. You weren't lying after all.

Everyone turned to you as the knight stepped forward.

The knight that looked exactly like you.

Y/N?: We've been expecting you all. Welcome.

Monster:Cabal War

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Cabal War

You and your team stood by and watched as the council gathered.

However, things seemed to be....hostile.

Merlin: You're weak, Saturnyne.

Merlin: You're weak, Saturnyne

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Monster: Cabal War (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now