~To Catch a Changeling~

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Sadie had to admit, maybe she and Toby overreacted a little when they ran over to Jim's house the next morning, the two of them slamming the door open and shouting his name until he came out of the basement with a crooked smile on his face.

"I'm alright, Draal saved me from Nomura," he said, gesturing to the basement.

Sadie peeked down the stairs and saw Draal moving around the basement as he rearranged everything to make it more of a home. She groaned, smacking her forehead as Toby grinned excitedly.

"You have a troll living in your basement!" he said.

Sadie glared and grumbled, "I get that he saved you and all, but we all remember that he also tried to kill you yesterday, right? And you could've at least called!"

"Yeah, but I'm fine! Besides, if he still wanted me dead, he wouldn't have saved me last night when that changeling tried to kill me," Jim said, Draal suddenly appearing at the top of the stairs and looking at Sadie sternly.

"I swore to protect your Trollhunter, and I will not let anything happen to him so long as breath draws from my lungs."

"Okay..." Toby said, a little weirded out as Draal vanished back into the basement while Sadie said, "Well I have to go to the store for Nana, something about needing baking supplies? So I guess I'll be back here later on?"

They nodded and Sadie gave the basement door one last look before leaving the house and jogging across the dead-end road. She walked into her home and Nana was waiting for her in the kitchen with a small piece of paper.

"Remember, only baking supplies. I have to go to the park to demolish Phil and Jerry in chess!"

"Alright, Nana. Have fun, and try not to hit a car this time," Sadie said, her Nana chuckling and leaving the house.

Sadie smiled, grabbing her wallet and tucking it into her pocket as she walked into the garage to fit a basket cooler onto her bike. It wasn't that difficult to do and since Jim had left instructions after her horrible screw-up last time, she was able to attach the basket on her first try.

"Okay... eggs, butter, milk, chocolate chips..."

She finished reading off the list before getting on her bike and heading out of the garage. As she pedaled down the street, Sadie found herself closing her eyes for a few seconds to feel the rush through her hair before opening them again and turning to bike across the bridge. Thankfully, Saturday morning wasn't a favorite time for people to walk so it was a smooth ride. Though she did almost hit a boy and his cat as they came out of GDT Arcane Books, so she made a mental note to apologize to them later as she finally arrived at the store.

Walking inside, a blast of air conditioning hit her face and she shivered, thankful for the sweater she'd thrown on in her rush that morning. Sadie then picked up a basket and began her walk through the store, making sure that she was able to get everything on her list before throwing in a few extra snacks for the kitchen. She headed to the counter and the cashier scanned her items while she read one of the magazines. But, a hand tapped her on the shoulder and she turned, noticing the same boy from earlier.

"Are you going to buy that?" he asked, pointing to the magazine.

"Oh, uh, no. I'm just reading while I wait," she said before passing the magazine to him.

He smiled, taking it as he thanked her.

"By the way, I'm sorry for almost hitting you with my bike. I didn't notice you coming out of your shop," Sadie said, the boy smiling and replying, "No problem, darling. I'm used to almost getting run over, especially in the states."

Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia (Jim x OC)Where stories live. Discover now