~Bittersweet Sixteen~

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Toby and Sadie had spent most of their morning coordinating with Blinky and Arrrgh to set up a surprise party for Jim in Trollmarket. They'd gotten balloons, a banner, and spread the news to some of the trolls so that they could set it up while the 2 of them went back to their house to wake up and grab Jim.

"Warhammer to Trollhunter. Copy?" Toby said into the walkie-talkie.

"Copy. What is it, Tobes?" Jim asked, Sadie excitedly saying, "Look out your window!", the 2 of them holding out a picture of a cake with a 16 candle drawn on it.

Jim looked outside the window, Sadie noticing a smile on his face as he said, "I think a bird or something tore away a piece of your drawing, Tobes."

"That was Arrrgh. He thought the cake was real. Or maybe he just likes the taste of paper," Sadie responded, "Any word from Claire?"

"No, she's not returning any of my texts. It's not like I destroyed her house or anything. Oh, wait. It is."

"Dude, you didn't destroy her house. Her fake baby brother did," Toby said.

"Yeah, I'll be sure to mention that."

"Have you thought about it? Telling her, I mean?" Toby asked, Jim sarcastically saying, "Telling her baby brother's been swapped for a shape-shifting changeling troll because of me? Is there a Hallmark card for that?"

"If there isn't, there should be. In the meantime, ignorance is bliss, and I've got a birthday gift for you that Arrrgh cannot eat," Toby said into the walkie.

"Toby-Pie! Sadie-Pie! Why is this box empty?" their Nana suddenly shouted, Toby groaning in annoyance as he said, "Ugh, Arrrgh ate the kitty litter again. Gotta go. Warhammer out."

Toby tossed the walkie and sign onto his bed, heading downstairs. Sadie, however, ran to her room and quickly picked up his wrapped present with a smile, sticking it into her bag. They waited about 10 minutes and once Arrrgh left the house for Trollmarket, the 2 of them ran over to Jim's house to put their plan into action.

"Jim! You gotta come quick! There's an emergency in..." Toby trailed off when he noticed that Barbara was in the garage with Jim.

"The place. With the thing. Not even an emergency. It's-" he said, Sadie cutting him off as she asked, "Hey, is that a Food Magic?"

"3000. I'll leave you 3 to it. But, Jim, tonight: celebration!" his mom said, doing a little dance.

"Looking forward," Jim said, his mom finally leaving the garage and closing the door behind her.

"Seriously, we've got a Defcon One situation in Trollmarket," Toby said, Jim asking, "How do you know?"

"We just do! Come on!" Sadie said, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the garage.

They got on their bikes, heading to the bridge and opening the door to Trollmarket, Jim activating their armor before they followed the sounds of shouts and screams.

"It's coming from the Hero's Forge!" Toby shouted.

Jim broke into a sprint, the siblings sharing a smile before chasing after him. And, perfectly according to their plan, everyone had set the scene to look like chaos. All of the machines were on and Blinky ran toward them with a terrified expression on his face.

"It's too late, Master Jim. Arrrgh has lost his mind! Save yourself!" he shouted, Jim looking confused as he asked, "I thought Arrrgh was at your house!"

His question was never answered as Arrrgh launched through the air at them, Sadie pushing Blinky and Toby aside. Blinky ran to the mechanisms controlling the different parts of the obstacle course while she and Toby went to the 2 ropes hanging off of the Soothscryer. Once Arrrgh had picked up Jim and roared at him, Blinky caused the center platform to raise. Balloons were revealed and the siblings yanked on the ropes, causing confetti to fall toward Arrrgh and Jim as everyone gathered near the 2 of them.

Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia (Jim x OC)Where stories live. Discover now