~Win Lose or Draal~

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The drive to the police station was quiet, Barbara too angry to speak after her phone call to Mr. Strickler where she had to ask him to wait with Jim and Toby at the station.

"I just can't believe those 2! I mean, breaking into a museum?! Please tell me I'm not crazy for being mad!"

Sadie shook her head, grumbling unkind words before saying, "Trust me, I'm just as mad as you are right now."

When Barbara parked the car, they got out and walked over to where Strickler was waiting for them. Toby and Jim stood nearby, the both of them avoiding any eye contact with Barbara and Sadie.

"Let's go," Sadie hissed, dragging them to the car while Barbara talked to Mr. Strickler.

"I can't thank you enough for coming to the station. They are so lucky she didn't press any charges," she heard Barbara say, Mr. Strickler responding with, "Ms. Nomura is a personal friend. She agrees with me that this was nothing more than reckless youth run amok."

"What were you 2 thinking?! You should've told Blinky and Arrrgh about the goblins and let them deal with it!"

"We called you so you could tell them!"

"Well sorry I didn't know what you were doing, you 2 abandoned me at school!"

The boys fell silent, Sadie sighing and adding, "But I'm glad you're alright."

They smiled, hugging her before the 3 of them got in the car and began to talk about what Jim and Toby had seen.

"I mean, who else do you think is hiding an evil troll face? Coach Lawrence? Steve? What if Strickler's one of them?"

"Strickler's been teaching history at Arcadia Oaks High since the dawn of history. If he's one, I'm one," Jim said, taking Toby's phone as they began to scroll through pictures.

"Wait, go back!" Sadie said.

Jim flipped back to a blurry picture and Sadie said, "I know where I've seen this bridge. It's the same one that Blinky was talking about!"

"You're right! That's Killahead Bridge!" Jim said, Toby asking, "What? The Killa-thingy Bridge? That's, like, ancient history, right?"

"They're trying to break Gunmar out. This is bad, Tobes. Like, 'Goodbye, Arcadia' bad. As soon as we get home, we're going to Blinky!"

That's when the door opened and Barbara got in the car, the 3 of them returning to a seated position as she sat down and rolled down Sadie's window.

"You didn't have to go through all this trouble, Mr. Strickler."

"Please, it's Walter. I'm sorry we had to meet under this unfortunate circumstance."

"There must be some way I can repay you. Coffee? Dinner? Appendix removal?" she asked in a joking voice.

Mr. Strickler laughed, saying, "Coffee would be a delight. And a rain check on the appendectomy."

"Looking forward to it, Walter," Barbara said as the 3 kids shared a look of shock.

"Watch yourself, Young Atlas. Next time, the consequences could be more... severe," Mr. Strickler said, walking away from the car while Jim fumed.

"Did you actually just ask my teacher out on a date?!"

"Don't you make this about me. You guys broke into a museum! And for this? You are grounded until you apologize to that woman!" Barbara shouted, throwing the Chubby Tracker into the back seat.

"You got me?"

"Yes, Mom/Dr. Lake," Jim and Toby said in sync, slumping in the back seat as Barbara drove the 3 of them home.

Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia (Jim x OC)Where stories live. Discover now