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Anyone could tell that Claire was frustrated with the Shadow Staff, especially since she was used to being able to perform any task with ease rather quickly. And even Sadie wasn't stupid enough to get close to the girl while she swung around a dangerous weapon that they knew little about.

"Ugh! Why won't the shadow staff make a portal?" Claire asked, frustrated.

Draal walked over and put his hand on the staff to stop her from swinging it before saying, "Slow down young one. You must learn to empower the staff itself. Focus! Imbue it with your will. The stronger the emotions, the greater the portal could be."

Sadie sighed, noticing that Toby was upset, the boy muttering, "I don't get it. Claire just joined the team, and she gets to handle the super-sweet, megamatic portal staff? Pfft! I've been on Jim's side since day one and what do I get? Even Sadie has a cool weapon!" while Arrrgh, trying to make him feel better, said, "Got me, Wingman."

"Aww, thanks buddy!"

But her concentration was drawn away from Toby as Claire angrily exclaimed, "Why won't this thing work?!" before the staff turned black and shot out a portal.

"She did it!" Arrrgh said, Sadie walking over and sharing a high five with her friend.

"No way! How did she do that?" Toby asked sourly, Claire excitedly telling the group, "Whoa! I made a portal! Did you see that? I made a portal!"

"Yeah, if we need to teleport an olive or a baby mouse," Toby said, accidentally swinging his broom and whacking her in the face. She turned away from Sadie, glaring at Toby as she asked, "What did you just say?"

"I said you have an awesome staff and you totally deserve it," Toby stated simply, muttering, "Even though you lost the Killstone."

"Excuse me, Mr. God King, you were the one in charge of getting the stone and you blew it! And if Jim were here-" Claire started to say, Toby cutting her off to say, "But Jim's not here. You know where he is? Jim's getting chewed out right now by ghosts because of your butterfingers!"

The teens began to fight, Claire wielding the Shadow Staff and Toby with his broom, while Sadie stepped off to the side at Draal's direction. Eventually, she saw a flash of light and Jim reappeared behind Draal and Arrrgh, walking over to where Sadie was standing. She noticed his worried face and smiled warmly at him, wrapping her arm around his waist.

"How long have they been at it?" Jim asked, Sadie saying, "A few minutes. Toby's jealous of Claire, and they're arguing over the Killstone."

"And who are you calling Newbie?" Claire suddenly asked, Toby shouting, "I've been eaten by a troll. What have you done?" while she quipped back, "I've been keeping your butt alive!"

Claire kicked Toby back, the boy landing on his butt before sitting up.

"Oh, yeah? Well, I've been there for Jim since the beginning!" Toby shouted, throwing his broom at Claire's head.

He narrowly missed and Sadie saw the anger on Claire's face, followed by the darkening of the Shadow staff and Sadie, sword still in hand, sprinted towards Toby, shouting, "Get down!" as she tackled him to the ground. Claire's portal then shot out of the staff, ending up right where Toby had been and Sadie winced at her now scrapped palms. She sat up, noticing that she and Toby were underneath a teal half-dome of light and when she poked it, an electric shock went through her body. Her sword was glowing as Jim and Claire ran over, worried looks on their faces.

"I'm so sorry!" Claire said, Jim asking, "Are you guys alright? How did you do that?"

"We're okay," Sadie said, poking the barrier with her sword this time and watching as the light spiraled back into the gems of the sword.

Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia (Jim x OC)Where stories live. Discover now