~The Shattered King~

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Sadie was at her locker, putting away her books from her class when she noticed that Toby was talking to Mary a few feet away.

"Mary, can we be real for a moment? A woman like you deserves anything she wants. And what you want is me, as your date to the Spring Fling. It's okay, you don't even have to ask," Toby said energetically, Mary replying, "I'd rather choke to death." as she put on her headphones and slammed her locker shut, walking over to Sadie.

She watched as Toby then went after Darci, her eyes following him until they landed on Claire and Jim. Claire had made it clear to Sadie that she was in no way interested in Jim, but it did hurt her to know that there was something Jim couldn't talk to her about. Claire noticed her staring, as did Mary and Darci, and the girl excused herself from her conversation with Jim to walk over to them.

"Girl, you are staring at Jim!" Darci said, Sadie scrunching her nose as she said, "I was not staring at him."

"She's right... she was jealous!" Mary announced loudly.

Sadie shushed her, becoming embarrassed when she noticed that Jim was looking over at them while Toby blabbed off to his side about Spring Fling. Claire put a hand on her shoulder, giving Sadie a reassuring smile before the two of them walked away with Mary and Darci.

Jim's P.O.V.

"Well, I've asked out every single girl," Toby complained, banging his head on the locker as Jim asked, "They all said no?"

"Of course not. I got a few "as ifs." A couple "not in a million years." One actually gagged. I took that as a not interested," he said, looking at Jim as he asked, "You actually asked out every girl in school?" with a look of shock still on his face.

"Nope! Saved Sadie for you, buddy. I didn't wanna promblock you," Toby said.

"Thanks," Jim replied, voice dripping with sarcasm as they began to walk to class, "But you're surprisingly okay with all of this, Tobes."

"You have a crush on my twin sister, you have for nearly 2 years now, and everyone but Sadie knows it. Did you see her face a few minutes ago? She was clearly jealous of Claire. And let me guess, you haven't asked her to the dance yet, have you?"

"What if I freaked her out the other night when we got back from the hospital? And besides, I'm working up to it, okay?!" Jim said defensively.

"Claire said you didn't freak her out," Toby replied, "And is that what they're calling wussing out?"

"Hey, I'm just waiting for my moment," he snapped, lying through his teeth while Toby snickered and said, "That's what they call wussing out these days, Wussy."

"He's correct, Master Jim," Blinky said, practically appearing out of nowhere and scaring the two of them.

"I spent the afternoon in the school library and you are apparently a popular topic of gossip."

"Blinky, what are you doing hanging out at our school?!" Jim asked worriedly.

"Well, that's an interesting story-"

"Wait, you said people are gossiping about Jim?" Toby asked, Blinky replying, "I didn't hear much but the words "wussing" and "out" were frequently invoked." while Jim, to hopefully change the topic, asked, "Why were you in the library of our school?"

"I exhausted all of Trollmarket's resources pertaining to the mysterious mark Angor Rot painted on your forehead. Then a thought occurred to me, what about the library in Arcadia Oaks High?"

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