~Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter?~

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"This is your home?" Jim asked, shocked as they descended a large stony staircase towards the main part of Trollmarket.

"Trollmarket is home, heart, and sanctuary for all good Trolls. This way my friends, there's much to see."

"Dang! And here I thought the only thing underneath our town was dirty plumbing!" Toby said, his eyes practically glowing with excitement.

"Stay close. Human feet have never graced the ground of Trollmarket before."

The trolls began to say "Humans!" or "Fleshbags?!" as they walked by, Toby snapping pictures of everything he could see.

"Check it out! Peridot, Topaz, Cassiterite! Corneroupi-"

"Toby, that's a troll," Sadie whispered, dragging her brother away from the glaring troll.

"Your knowledge of minerals is almost Troll-like Tobias!"

"So, your kind? You all live here?"

Blinky shook his head slightly and said, "Trolls travel from afar to our market, to find comfort and residence. You'll find almost anything you need, and some!"

"Aww, look at these!" Sadie said, kneeling down to look at some small people-esque things with pointy hats.

But, this moment was short-lived as it revealed pointy teeth and lunged at her. She squeaked in surprise and jumped up while Blinky began to attempt to stomp on the group of things that were running around their feet.

"Go away! Get out of here! Vile vermin! Begone!" he shouted, the things blowing raspberry at them before racing away.

"What is that?"

"Gnomes are vermin. Pick-pocket, scum of the Earth! We only tolerate them for their grooming services."

"Grooming?" Jim asked, Blinky gesturing to Arrrgh as he said, "They eat the parasites on the larger Trolls."

"Jim! Sadie! Check it out! Maximum coolosity there!"

Sadie turned her head and found herself looking up at the colossal glowing gem that towered over their heads, an orange glow pulsing throughout the cavern.

"Look at that, It's amazing!

"Heartstone," Arrrgh said, Blinky adding, "The lifeforce of Trollkind! The means that keeps us from crumbling to stone, and the source of light and sustenance!"

"Okay, that's totally the bomb!"

When Sadie turned around, however, she found that they had attracted a large crowd of both curious and angry trolls that were staring at them as if they were animals in a zoo.

"I think we've attracted the paparazzi," Sadie said, everyone turning around as well.

Blinky chuckled nervously and shouted, "Friends, there is no need to be afraid, he is the Trollhunte-"

"What is this?!" a large blue troll shouted, shoving his way to the front of the crowd.

"I was just getting to that, Draal."

"Human feet have never sullied the ground of Trollmarket before. Who are these fleshbags?" Draal asked, glaring at them.

Sadie found herself glaring back at the large troll, now realizing that fleshbags seemed to be an insult towards the 3 of them.

"Believe it or not, he is... How do I put this? Our new Trollhunter!"

The trolls in the crowd gasped in horror while Draal growled in anger.

"He can't be the Trollhunter! He's not a Troll!" he shouted, slamming his fists on the ground in front of Jim and sending Jim falling backwards into Arrrgh.

Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia (Jim x OC)Where stories live. Discover now