~Roaming Fees May Apply~

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After the assembly ended, Sadie went with Claire, Jim, and Toby to class. She already knew that Strickler would do everything in his power to make school miserable for Jim, and possibly her and her brother. They arrived in health class just as the bell rang, sitting down while Coach Lawrence turned off the lights and put a slideshow on the whiteboard.

"The teeth tear and chew, grinding the food into paste before it's swallowed. Then, it travels down the windpipe... I mean esophagus," Coach said, Sadie zoning out when she heard Claire ask Jim, "So the reason you were late and covered in dirt was because you were fighting a mud monster?"

"While there was some gnarly troll watching you? Talk about creepy," Toby said.

"I know. It was like he was studying me," Jim said.

Sadie turned back to the front to quickly add what the Coach was saying to their health diagram, a diagram she knew Toby and Jim would need to copy down later.

"... to the guts," Coach Lawrence said, pressing his large fist into his palm, "where the juices break it down into a bubbling nasty soup!"

Sadie then turned back to Jim, asking, "What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know. I haven't figured that out yet," Jim said, the four of them turning back around.

"So after it weaves through this mess, it comes out the old-" he coughed awkwardly, "... you know... the back door."

An arm suddenly raised in the air and Sadie could practically see Steve's smirk as he asked, "Coach? Yeah, thank you. Don't mean to "butt" in, but I'd like to "gas" a question?"

Everyone laughed at his puns and Steve looked around, asking, "Hey, poo's laughing?"

"Watch it, Palchuk!" Coach shouted, Steve saying, "This is serious!"

"Hey, why don't you shut your hole, Steve?" Jim said, annoyed and facepalming when he realized that he'd also made a pun.

"Oh, that's it. That's it, jokers! Both of you, principal's office, now!" Coach Lawrence said, angry at them.

So, Jim and Steve got up, leaving the room with Steve while Coach Lawrence finished his lesson. They eventually returned to class, Steve's eyes red and puffy while Jim held a glare on his face. And, a few minutes later, the final bell of the day rang and everyone gathered their things to head home. Claire had practically dragged Toby out of the class, leaving Sadie standing next to Jim's desk while he put his books in his bag, a frown still on his face.

"What did Strickler say?"

Jim sighed, saying, "He gave us after school detention, probably an hour."

"Really, over a few jokes?" she grumbled, crossing his arms as he stood up and said, "I think he forgot that Steve was even there."

She shrugged, Jim looping his bag over his shoulder as they walked out of the classroom, chatting until they reached the detention classroom. Then while Jim was in detention, she tried to find Claire and Toby to no avail. So she sat in the hallway, doing her homework for the hour that detention took place and when Jim came outside, he looked surprised to see her.

"Where are Tobes and Claire?" he asked, Sadie standing with her things in hand as she said, "They ditched me."

He laughed and she crossed her arms, playfully glaring and saying, "Not funny."

"Well, Blinky mentioned wanting to talk to us about something, so we should probably meet them at Trollmarket. Can you shoot them a text?" he asked, Sadie nodding and pulling out her phone as Jim unchained their bikes.

Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia (Jim x OC)Where stories live. Discover now