~Where is My Mind?~

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"SADIE!" Mary's shrill voice screeched.

The girl groaned, putting her books into her locker as she forced a smile, grumbling, "It's too early for this." before closing her locker and turning to the approaching girl.

"Jim Lake asked you to the dance and you didn't tell us?!" Mary shouted.

Darci, who was with her, said, "Spill it girl, before Mare and I go kaboom." when Claire walked over with a guilty expression on her face.

"There's but much to really tell, except... I sorta asked him?" she said.

The two gasped, Mary looking shocked while Darci smiled and said, "Good, girl!"

"Excuse me, Darci. Do not celebrate. Educate," Mary interjected, "That's not the way you do things, Sadie. There are rules to being on top of the social food chain, rules I taught you! What sort of world do you think we live in?"

Sadie rolled her eyes, annoyed, "If only you knew."

As she walked away with the three girls, she pulled Claire back and hissed, "You told them?!"

"I'm sorry! It slipped out!" she replied.

But that's when Sadie spotted Jim and smiled, waving to him. He waved back, watching as she made a choking motion to the back of Mary's neck, drawing laughs out of both Jim and Claire.

"What's funny? Nothing I'm saying is funny! It's serious!" Mary said.

"Oh, I know it is. Please, educate me more," Sadie said sarcastically, Mary not noticing as she linked arms with Sadie and dragged her away while she sent a Help Me look to Jim.

Jim's P.O.V.

Jim watched Sadie getting dragged away, sending her Help Me look an apologetic smile while she pouted just before vanishing out of sight. So he opened his locker, hearing it smack against something and he stepped back as Toby leaned against the locker door with his head, slamming it shut.

"I can't feel my arms," Toby cried, turning to Jim and slouching.

Jim, however, smiled and moved him out of the way as he said, "First day of training can do that, but you are the one that wanted the war hammer."

"Hey, hey. Next time a magic troll assassin punches your sword, you'll be happy ol' Warhammer and Shadowdancer have your back," Toby said, punching the air while Jim asked, "What's Sadie's nickname?"

"She said I wasn't allowed to give her one," he grumbled.

"And Shadowdancer? Let me guess. You haven't run that by Claire?" Jim asked, Toby shaking his head no as Jim laughed, "Well, Tobes, rest up. We can at least feel safe in school knowing Angor Rot won't attack us in broad daylight." while opening the door to the locker room so the two of them could walk inside.

"Oh, my gosh, I think I can feel a little baby muscle growing!" Toby exclaimed excitedly.


Sadie left her classroom to find Jim waiting for her outside the door, the girl smiling at him as the two of them began to walk through the courtyard.

"So, what did Mary want earlier today?" he asked.

She groaned, saying, "She was being annoying about the Spring Fling. Apparently, me asking you is social suicide in her eyes."

"I would have asked you anyway," he grumbled.

Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia (Jim x OC)Where stories live. Discover now