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Your sister is in the kitchen, making some breakfast for you, to bring it up to you, treating you like a princess.

Your sister let Ryujin, Yuna and their friends in, because they are worried because of you, or mostly Ryujin and Yuna.

"Unnie, your clothes are too big. I look like a baby in it" you shout from upstairs, not knowing that the others are here.

"I know. And you are a baby" your sister shout back.

"Only your baby, Unnie" you said, and start to look for other clothes that are not too big for you.

"Aww, Unnie's baby?" She ask to tease you, but she didnt know that you would giggle because of it "I'm always gonna be your baby, Unnie. Because I'm your baby sister" you said, and change into other clothes.

"Can you come downstairs to eat food? I thought you was still sleeping, so I would bring you breakfast to bed, but I think not this time" your sister said.

You walk downstairs, and started to blush when you saw the girls in the livingroom.

"That's one thing you will forget about me" you told them and walk to your sister, getting the plate from her and sit down on the dining area.

"Why are yall here? Don't you have an own life?" You ask them, kinda rude and your sister look at you "Yena, don't be so rude. They were worried and Ryujin said that you will have a English test soon, and Lia will help you learn because she is fluent in english" your sister explain to you "but you're fluent too. And Ryujin Unnie is good in english too" you protested and Sekyung shake her head.

"But it's still better that someone help you that is really fluent in English. So after you're done with breakfast, you will learn and lia will help you" your sister said and you nod, starting to eat.

"Okay, Unnie.." you said.

You talked with your older sister alot, asking when you need to go home, but she told you that you will stay here and she will get your things out of your room.

She took the empty plate from you and put it in the dishwasher "go upstairs now with Lia and learn for english, Yena" she told you and you nod, looking at Lia and the both of you walk upstairs.

You open the door, and there is only one chair. You look at Lia and she look at you "go and sit down, I can stay" she told you and you shake your head, closing the door.

"You sit, I will stand, Unnie" you told her and she shake her head.

The both of you start to bicker, and Lia sigh out, looking at you "we have the option now. I will sit down and you sit on my lap, or the both of us will stand and we ignore this chair" she told you.

You thought about it and blush a little bit "then I sit on your lap.." you say shyly.

Lia nod, walking to the chair, and patting her lap. You never sit on someone lap, except of your sister.

You walk to her, pulling out your English stuff and sit gently down on Lia's lap, trying your best to not be heavy.

"You can sit normally on my lap, Yena. You're not heavy at all. So sit normally" she told you, and pull you more on her lap, holding on your waist.

She didnt pull you forcefully, she was gently, and she didnt grab your waist too hard. But it makes you blush more, because such a touch is new to you.

Maybe that's because you never had a relationship before, or someone that is clingy to you to do all this stuff.

"Make yourself comfortable. Your body is so stiff right now" she told you, letting go of your waist and pull the chair closer to the table, so can write better on the paper.

"What do you need to learn for your english test?" She asks, peeking a bit over your shoulder to see what you're doing.

"Only vocabulary, Unnie" you told her.

She first dont believe you, but when she saw that you got out your English text book and open this one page where your vocabulary are on, she believed you.

You start to write it on your paper. Lia barely know you, but she is proud that you slowly do more for school and your grades. That you don't be a stubborn kid.

You got the first 30 words on your paper, and she look at it, her head on your shoulder, taking your paper a bit closer so she can look at it.

"Do you think you can do this few words already?" She ask you, so you shake your head.

"Can I first look into it for a few minutes and then you help me, Unnie?" You ask her.

She gave you the paper back, and you smile a little bit at her, taking it gently out of her hand so she won't get a paper cut in her hand.

You look at her, you have a question, but you're shy to ask her "need help?" You nod at her question.

"H-How do I pronounce this, Unnie?" You showed on the word 'raspberry' and she look at you.

"What do you think?" She ask you, just to challenge you a little bit and tease you.

"Rasp-berry" you said and she shake her head "you easily just ignore the p. The pronunciation is rasberry, like the p wouldnt exist" she explain to you and you nod, listening to her and then focus on the paper again, and starting to learn.

You learned for more than an hour. You have most of the words in your head, and lia told you that she will come over one day before your English test and learn with you more and making sure that you will get a good grade in the test.

You opened an other page, this time with some tasks that you wanted to learn by yourself. That aren't homework or something for the test.

You look at it, and didnt understand the difference between 'then' and 'than', so you looked at Lia again, and she is smiling proudly at you.

"Where do you need help?" She ask you, wrapping one arm around your waist to get a bit up and to sit straight on the chair, sitting you gently back on her lap.

"I don't understand the difference between 'then' and 'than'" you told her, looking at her.

She smile at you, grabbing your pen and new paper to write the example on it while explaining it to you.

"Okay I will give you some examples and write them on your paper so you can look over it sometimes to not forget it" she told you and you nod.

"You use 'than' in a sentence as example 'you look prettier than her'," she emphasizes the word so it will help you more.

"Or 'my clothes are cheaper than his'" she explain to you, so you nod again.

Then she gave you more examples with 'than' and 'then', and you start to understand it better.

"You explain it better than my teachers" you told her in English and she chuckle "write it down on the paper, lets see if you understood it" you did what she told you.

You emphasize the word too, and she was proud of you "I'm really proud of you. You listen really well. I will treat you food when you get a good grade in your english test, Yena" she told you and you nod.

"I think, we should take a break? Or even stop learning? You did great today, so monday we will learn one more time and then you will write your test. Make me proud!" She said, making a fist and you nod at her with a big smile.

You put everything to the side and some things in your bag, going up from Lia's lap and waddle downstairs with her behind you.

You was smiling, so did Lia. The other girls are already home, so you, Lia and your sister are home.

"Unnie, Lia is proud of me" you told your sister, hugging her.

"Yeah? Did you learned well?" She ask and you nod your head "yes, I did! You need to be proud too" you told her and she nod "I am. I am really proud of you, baby" she said and kiss your head, hugging you tightly.

from bad girl to good girl (C. JS x Shin Yena [fem reader])Where stories live. Discover now