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Kaya called me early this morning saying she had to tell me something important. She asked me and Destiny to meet her over her house so I got washed and dressed.

I headed over to her place and when I got there her door was already unlocked and Destiny was there already. She made us a nice breakfast and we ate.

"So Kaya what's up?"

"I'm pregnant."

Me and Destiny looked at each other and started laughing. Then Kaya started crying.

"Wait bitch are you serious?" Destiny asked.

"Kaya are you for real?"

"Yes I'm serious." She cried.

"We're going to be aunties!" I jumped for joy.

"We are here every step of the way no matter what. We love you and support your decision."

"Who's the dad and when did it happen?" Destiny asked excited.

"His name is Sandro ."

"Well do Sandro know?" I asked.

"Yes he knows."

"How far are you?"

"Two months."

"What!" I shouted.

"I know I know, the baby was conceived after we came from Vegas."

"How long have you guys been seeing each other? Is he going to be in the baby life?"

"For a year now but we aren't together and yes he is. He's the one who wanted me to keep it."

"What do he look like? Show us a picture." Destiny said.

"Uh ok, don't judge me."

"Girl what he ugly or something? Just show us the damn picture." Des said jokingly.

When she showed us the picture of him I was so shocked.

"You got pregnant by a white man!" Destiny said shocked. I was so shocked I couldn't even say anything.

"I know I know I know, all the shit I talk, I just wanted to see if it was different and clearly it is. VERY different."

"Wow I'm appalled, where is he from?"


"I'm happy for you babes." I said giving her a hug.

"So when do we find out the gender?"

"Next month."

"I'm so excited! We should do a reveal party."

"I mean you two can plan it." She shrugged.

"I'm on Amazon as we speak." Destiny said.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you are going to have our first baby out the group."

"Right I thought you would be pregnant before me." She chuckled.

"Um no, I'm not even in a stable relationship."

"I'm not either."

"Good point." Destiny said.

"Shut up destiny I hope your pregnant nex-" I was cut off by Kaya's phone ringing.


"Hey how are you feeling?"

"I'm doing ok I had morning sickness for a little this morning but I'm good now."

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