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Antonio's POV

"I'm about to cum." I groaned

"W-wait wait... don't cum yet." She moaned as she rode my dick in the cowgirl position.

"Oh my god." I said as I look at the view in front of me. Seeing my dick go in and out of her with her juices running down my shaft made me even more close to cuming.

"This feels so good." She moaned.

"You look so good riding my dick baby." I gave her ass a slap. When I did that she started speeding up. She put my hands on her hips for support as she looked back at me with a little smirk and started rolling her hips.

That did it for me. I held her down as I shot my seed deep inside of her. She started shaking then fell forwards out of breath.

"Shit." I groaned.

"I'm tapped out Antonio."

"You said 3 rounds, don't fold now."

"I know, I know but shit."

"I'll give you a little break."

"Oh I was going to take one anyways."

"Oh really?" I said flipping her over.

"Please, your going to kill me." She chuckled.

My phone started wringing just as I was about to slide back in her.

"Saved by the bell." She giggled.

"ciao madre?"

"Antonio come stai?" (Antonio how are you?) My mother asked from the other side of the phone.

"I'm good, do you need something?"

"ho provato a chiamare il telefono di Shakayla ma non ha risposto. mi piacerebbe rubarla per oggi." (I tried to call Shakayla's phone but she didn't answer. I will like to steal her for today.)

"Can you steal her later? We're kind of busy right now." Shakayla smacked my arm.

"No, ho bisogno di lei oggi. Dille di essere pronta entro le 3. Vi amo entrambi." (No i need her today. Tell her to be ready by 3. I love you both.) she said then hung the phone up.

"You're so inappropriate."


"Why would you say that to your mom nasty."

"She knows how her granddaughter got here." I shrugged.

"What did she need?"

"She needs you at 3 o'clock. I don't know what for but that's all she said."

"Well let me go get ready." She got up excited.

"Its only two and I want my round three."


"No now."

"Who are you talking to?"


"Bye Antonio." She said walking away to the bathroom.

"Your not playing fair and you know it!"

She walked back in the room chuckling. "You are such a spoiled brat."

"Not really."

"Okay meany, you can have your round three in the shower with me. Get the baby monitor so we can hear Iyla."

I jumped up in excitement-taking my clothes off as I ran to the bathroom.

Shakayla's POV

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