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Hey, lovelies...

Another chapter for you!

Thank you so much once again for showing all the love to my story!


" You will not believe what happened!" Ronit said, pacing in his hotel suite in Bangalore.
Neha clutched her phone with both hands, "Did Arjun agree?"
Ronit chuckled, " Yeah... But that's not what I meant. Have you spoken to Vaishali aunty lately?"
Neha frowned, " No. Why?" Why was he asking about Anu's mother suddenly?
Ronit grinned, " I'll reach home by 8 pm. Call Vaishali aunty and invite her for lunch tomorrow. I have the good news of the decade!"
Neha was confused, " Okay... But at least tell me what happened?"
Ronit smiled, " We'll talk once I reach home. I'll come directly to your apartment."
Neha was agitated, " You cannot do this, Ronit... Enough with your cliffhangers. I want to know now!"
Ronit chuckled, " Bye. Sweetheart. See you soon!"
He cut the call even though he could hear her yelling his name on the other side. But, he wanted to be there to witness her surprised look once he tells her about meeting Anu.

Ronit waited for the next entire day, but Anu didn't call to confirm her attendance at their wedding. Ronit had started doubting his plan. He had tried to drown her in the guilt of abandoning her friends. But, now, he was second-guessing his plan.

Just then, his phone vibrated displaying Anu's name on the screen. Ronit received it, anticipating Anu's words. He heard Anu saying, " I'll come. But you or anyone else will not force me to interact with him, is that clear?"
Ronit gave a victory smile, " I promise. I'll not speak a word about it."
Anu sighed, " Good!"

After the call, Ronit stared at the screen, smirking, 'But he will!' He rejoiced in his working plan. Though not entirely, but at least now, Arjun would get a chance to redeem himself!

In some other part of Bangalore, Arjun was getting irritated by his sister's pestering about the attire she would wear at Ronit's wedding. Yes...She was not much interested in dressing up since the tragedy, but this was Ronit's wedding! She wanted to look super gorgeous at her favourite person's wedding.

" Ok. Last one. Choose from these two. Please, Dada. Last time!"
Arjun groaned, clutching his phone in hand, " I've already chosen four dresses for you.."
" Yes. But these are my sarees. I am so confused! Please help!" Radhika insisted.
Arjun sighed and picked one randomly, " This one. Happy?"
Radhika pouted, " Why this one? It's so flashy! I think I will take the other one!"
Arjun gave her an are-you-nonsense look, " What's the point of choice if you have already decided?"
Radhika grinned, " To see you react like that!" She pinched his cheeks and fled.

Arjun couldn't help but chuckle softly. He was happy to see a glimpse of the older version of Radhika, even if it was for a show! He knew his sister inside out! He knew what she was going through! This cheerfulness was her attempt at renewing her bond with her mother and brother. Anyways, he was happy that one of them at least had hope!

He got ready for his day, as he wore his shirt. His mind was in chaos as he looked in the mirror. Will she come? He wondered! Nevertheless, he would not run from confrontation this time. Not from her, and not from his best friends!
He would not make the same mistakes again.

As he stepped out of the elevator of his building, his phone vibrated with a message tone!

He almost tripped, anticipating the news Ronit had! He opened the chat window, only to feel the happiest in the world!

" She agreed." Ronit had messaged!
Arjun took a relieving breath, and vowed once again, that this time he would make everything right!

Now, he would do anything to gain her trust, if not love!


Your precious suggestions, and feedbacks are most welcome!

See you soon! ❤

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