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Hey lovely readers!!!

I felt I am not saying this enough..... So here it is...

Thank you so much for your support so far.

Also thank you for bearing with countless typos!!!😅

Happy reading!!!


Eyes closed, Anu was enjoying the slightly chilled winds of Mumbai standing in the balcony attached to her room on an early Sunday morning. Anu loved October for it's 'not so hot but not so cold weather'.
She took her hot coffee mug in her hands to take some warmth.

She was never a girl to enjoy the weather, or take pleasure in sipping hot coffee in the presence of nature. All her life, she would do her chores as fast as possible and wanted to just get on with it. Her breaks from the study included watching some foolish show on television or binge-watching Netflix.

But a lot has changed in the past one year. Not only inside her but also around her. She has begun to enjoy small things in her life. Somehow, she has gradually started valuing her luxuries, her family, and her relations. She was not at all that arrogant princess she used to be. Well, at least not with her family. She knew this change has a lot to do with her boyfriend.

This change in her had even led to the miracle of the century. Her grandmother, The great, Vijayadevi Dixit, has finally started taking pride in her younger granddaughter. Well, she would never say it out loud, but lately, Anu was aware of the changes in her attitude. The face which always looked at Anu with creases on her forehead now smiled at her. Their relationship was not as ideal as it was with janvi di. They still irritated each other over petty things. Sometimes, Anu would purposefully put her shoes beside the rack instead of on it, just to irk her grandmother. She still ate her pasta in front of her grandmother, just to get scolded for eating unhealthy junk. But, now they have a mutual connection. Somehow they are closer to each other than they were before.

Still, Anu couldn't understand why her grandma was hell-bent on marrying off janvi di. She tried to reason with her grandma but was cut off by her mother, saying that these are the matters of elders. She tried to talk to her sister, but as always, she said everything that was expected from her, but never said what she truly wanted to say.

Still, eyes closed, she thought about her dii, what she must be going through when the shrill sound of her ringtone brought her out of her reverie.

The name on the screen instantly made her smile, and just like that, all unpleasant thoughts vanished.

"Good morning"

"Good morning. Had your breakfast?"

Anu sighed knowing how he never fails to ask this question the moment he calls!!

"Not yet... Just having coffee. How are you?"

"I am good. Just checking through yesterday's accounts."

Anu hummed in response. "Did you do your assignment?"

Arjun sighed," No, will do it tonight."

"No, don't do it. " Anu said quickly.


"I mean, I'll do it for you. You already have a lot of work with that new stationary order of yours. Concentrate on that."

" Anu... You don't have to..."

" I know... I just want to."


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