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Hii guys... Here is the next one. A rather short one. But I felt it is necessary.
Happy reading....:)
                           Arjun crumpled the fifth drawing sheet in his hands in frustration and tossed it on the other side of his room. He didn't know what was happening to him.

I need to put myself together. I cannot afford this.

It has been two days since her birthday and he has successfully avoided her in these 2 days in the college. He even avoided going in the library when she would be in there. It was stressful, always looking whether she is around. But he had to do it. The way she had asked him about love had left him dumb founded. It had transported him from a dream to his cruel reality. It was as if he had woken up from a deep slumber.
                       But even after not speaking to her all this time he could not deny that he had lost his heart as well. He tried to continue his hectic routine of college, then shop and study at night, but he knew he had lost the ability to function properly. His semester exams were near,still he couldn't focus on anything. The only thing he remembered was the gorgeous beauty in an orange kurti and that radiant smile. He was going crazy. And so he decided to put it all there on canvas.
                        He had an habit of sketching and painting whenever he was stressed. It was his solace. It had worked so far. But not today. It seemed even the wretched painting brush was determined to mock him. In addition to that, even Ronit was not helping enough. He was always in a gloomy mood lately. Arjun assumed that it was because neha had made it clear that she wanted time when Ronit had proposed her. Ronit has lost interest in everything after that. Arjun had to literally drag him to the lectures and make him study. After all he was his best friend. It was after a couple of days when Arjun lost his patience and scolded his friend like a five year old to focus on his studies. Poor Ronit had listened to his rant quietly as if Arjun was his mother.
                           Even at home, radhika would not leave a single opportunity to tease him about anu. She had pestered him till he finally told her about his new friend that night after he came home. It was a struggle to keep some details to himself. Especially the ones about her beautiful features. He had realized long ago that she is constantly on his mind nowadays. Sometimes in college, he could not help but notice her attire or  styling of her hair, her dangling jhumkas from afar, obviously, when she is not looking at him. After their meeting ,she had tried to talk to him in between lectures atleast 2-3 times , but he always made some excuse and left her hanging. He couldn't forget the hurt he saw in her eyes when he once told her, rather rudely, that he is busy. He guessed ,that was the last straw for her, as she never tried to talk to him after that. He hated himself for hurting her. But again, he had to do it.
                        By the time, their semester started, his craziness had gone another level up. He would actually wait in the canteen after college, until she and neha passed in their car only so that he could see her for some extra moments. He would linger in the lecture hall even after the paper is over, until she is out of the hall. He felt like a stalker, but, surprisingly, he cared less about that.
Hey guys, how's it? Let me know your views. And of course, don't forget to vote and comment. See you soon .....:)

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