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                         Ps- hey guys... this is my first story. I have tried to make it as realistic as possible. So please read and enjoy..Sorry for the grammar mistakes if any...

Happy reading....


                      "Mom, I am going to Neha's place,  I'll be late.... Ok? Bye...."Anuradha called out to her mom who was in the kitchen .
She was wearing her sandals when her mom came hurriedly ,
" Wait ,wait, Anu, take this tiffin to Vidya's house. Her daughter loves besan laddoos , so give it to her... Ok?" Her mom said smiling.
Anu was amused , why does her mom take so much care of her maid Vidya as if she is some family member?
"Oh c'mon  Mom, you know I don't like going to her house. And anyways, she is obviously capable to make her own laddoos considering the amount of money we pay her." Anu scoffed.
Anu's grandmother who was listening to the conversation , said sternly,"That's enough ,Anu. You don't have to speak so harshly about her always. She is working here since even before you were born. How many times should I tell you not judge anyone just because they are poor?"
Any sighed. She sat beside her grandmother and said," Ok , fine , aaji ( grandmother) I am sorry." She took the box of laddoos from her mom and stormed out rather angrily.
                            " God knows why she behaves like that always." Her grandmother muttered in dismay. Anu's mother who saw her daughter storming out, smiled," Don't worry aai( mom) , today's generation is different."
" Then how come your elder daughter is not like this? Janvi is just 3 years older than Anu. But still she is so selfless, always thinking about others before herself, just like you. I am not expecting that much from Anu. But atleast she should show some compassion towards the people around her."  Aaji  said to her daughter in law. Anu's mother bowed her head low. She had nothing to say in return.
                       " Why aaji has to spoil my mood always? " Anu muttered to herself while walking towards Neha's house. Neha and Anu were best friends since they were in 1st STD. According to Anu , Neha was her only true friend. There were many others in school who tried to befriend her , but she never felt a strong connection with  anyone. They were just aquaintances. And of course there were others who were around her just because she belonged to a rich family. Dixit Textile Industries were widely spread across the country and was now even in other countries. Anu's father , Rajesh Dixit had single handedly expanded his business after his father and had been a successful entrepreneur since. Anu's mother Vaishali, was a housewife and the most loving person. Anu's grandmother Vijayadevi Dixit , is a stern ,strict but loving lady. She was very proud of her daughter in law. Vaishali did not have an ounce of attitude or pride though she was the wife of a successful business tycoon. She was the most humble ,simple and good natured lady. Anu's elder sister , janvi , was literally a younger version of their mother. She had an inborn talent for business. So it was not a surprise when she chose to do BBA. Even Rajesh sometimes took suggestions regarding business from janvi.
                         Anuradha Dixit is the youngest and most pampered child of the family. She is more like her father, extremely ambitious just like him. She was always very clear that she don't want anything to do with her family business. She wanted to be a doctor . She was brilliant in her studies since day 1 of schooling. She never got scolded by her parents. She loved her family. But her grandmother always chided her about how she should treat others. She was more close to her sister janvi but sometimes she envied her as her sister was an ideal daughter in the eyes of her grandmother .Her family always fulfilled her every wish.
                Anu never liked her own name. According to her, it was too old fashioned. But her mother had once told her that she was named after her paternal aunt, Anuradha and that her aunt had died 1 year before anu' s birth. Her family never told her the real reason behind her aunt's death. But once she heard her parents talking about her. Apparently ,her aunt was in love with a person who  belonged to a lower middle class family. Rajesh's father was against this match. Her aunt tried her best not to disappoint her father but at the end couldn't bear the separation and took her own life. Anu's grandfather couldn' t bear his beloved daughter' s untimely demise and lived rest of his life regretting that he couldn't fulfill his child's wish. It was on his death bed , that he expressed his last wish when Vaishali was pregnant with anu. He wanted to name the newly arriving member of the family after his daughter. And thus, Anu got her name.
                    Neha lived just two blocks away from Anu' s own bungalow. It was their last week of vacations after 12th STD. As usual, Anu had scored brilliantly in boards as well as NEET. She was very happy that she had got admitted in Mumbai's  best medical college, that too, solely on her merit. Neha was not far behind Anu and got admitted in the same college. So it was an added bonus for Anu that the two best friends will not separated after all.
                     Neha ' s mother welcomed Anu." God knows what has happened to this girl? Anu , please knock some sense in her. Who will believe she is going to be a doctor in few years?" Neha ' s mom was exasparated .
Anu knew from experience that Neha is again doing something crazy. As Anu was climbing the stairs to neha's room, she heard faint sounds of someone singing. When she entered she saw Neha singing some Bollywood song very loudly holding a comb as a mic and was doing some crazy moves in front of the mirror.
                   Anu stifled a laugh at the crazy sight. " What exactly are u doing?"
"Oh, Anuuuu, I was going to call you. You know, I am so excited to join the college. It's just one week away . I just wish this week would pass by quickly , and then we will enter the college like some divas and all boys will stare us with wide eyes and then we will walk past everyone and..." Anu cut her off saying," and trip on ur heels as you did on our first day of college last year. Right?"
                  Neha frowned at Anu's teasing smile ."Oh, c' mon,  anyways that college was not so great as this one. This college will have all extremely good looking guys. I am dying to see them." Neha said dreamily. Anu rolled her eyes," are you sure you went to co-ed school? You are acting as if you have never seen a guy all your life. " Anu scoffed.
Neha creased her eyebrows," Oh, shut up, don't you judge me. Anyhow you never have to do anything to make guys fall for you. Your looks are enough for that. But you still act as if you have some kind of boys phobia." Neha said dramatically.
Anu smacked her head, " I don't have any phobia. It's just that I don't think any guy deserves my attention. They are all interested in me because of my rich dad."
             " Huh, why God is so unfair to me?All guys He made are after you and you don't want them. And here I am literally waiting for my prince and there is no one so far." Neha pouted
" So far" Anu emphasized the words.
Neha grinned and nodded ," so far" both the girls giggled at her antics.
                 As far as Anu was concerned , she never really believed in the idea of love. Her parents had an arranged marriage .  She still couldn't fathom how her aunt Anuradha could love someone so much that she sacrificed her life for him? Anu thought she couldn't even sacrifice her favourite dress for anyone other than family . Her life was out of question....

         This is the first chapter guys....if you like it please vote and comment. New chapters will be posted every Sunday. 

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