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Hey, lovelies...
The most awaited update is here...
Your suggestions and feedbacks are most welcome!

Happy reading!

As Anu descended the Jodhpur city bus, she felt weirdly overwhelmed! She was visiting her friends after almost 6 years! She missed her mother today. Feeling a strong urge to meet her mother, she suddenly realized how selfish was she! She had left her mother all alone, to deal with her Aaji.

She swallowed that guilt once again walked towards a nearby auto. Before she could go further, she heard someone calling her. She turned around only to find a stranger waving at her. She frowned and looked around as to confirm if he was really calling her. He approached her with a charming smile and stopped in front of her,
" You are Anu... I mean Anuradha, right? I saw your pic." He said, panting.

Anu was already pissed due to hectic travelling and Rajasthan heat. She was in no mood to entertain a stalker,        " And you are?" She asked raising her eyebrows, rather rudely.

Karan smiled at the feisty lady in front of her. No wonder his buddy was head over heels for her, " I'm Karan. Ronit's friend. He asked me to pick you up since, you know, he is busy with his preparations. By the way, that's how I got to see your picture."

The former rude demeanour was slightly curbed after his declaration. Anu nodded in understanding and smiled slightly, " Hii"
Karan offered to carry her luggage but she refused. " So how are we going?" Anu asked.
Karan cleared his throat before saying, " My friend has brought his car. He is waiting around the block. Let me call him here." Anu nodded as he went to a distance to call his friend.
Anu waited as Karan spoke on his cellphone. She could not hear what he was saying, but she could make out from his expression that they were having a bit of heated conversation. What was so serious about calling a friend here? She wondered.
Karan approached her as he kept his phone in his pocket.
" So, umm. How was your journey?"  He tried to make a decent conversation, before the impending storm.
Anu smiled tightly, " Good, I guess if you ignore the excessive heat in Rajasthan." Karan chuckled and nodded.
Anu was curious, " How do you know Ronit? Are you a colleague?"
Karan felt like a poor fish in a trap. Somehow he managed to say,          " Umm... Yeah... Sort of." Anu nodded in understanding.
She felt a lot better now. The guy seemed like a gentleman. And if he was Ronit's friend, then surely, he must be decent, she concluded.

Shortly after, a car stopped in front of them. Karan went ahead and talked to someone in the driver seat, as he descended the car. Just when Anu thought that coming to the wedding was not such a bad idea, her eyes landed on the one person she did not want to see at all. Arjun! Well-built, gorgeous faced, the most freaking handsome Arjun!

She stood like a frozen statue, staring at him wide-eyed. Every fibre of her being felt alive again! Alive with rage, desperation, longing and anger! Intense anger. Before she made a show of herself, she took her bags and started taking furious steps towards a nearby auto stand. Karan winced and threw an 'I-told-you' look towards Arjun, whose entire attention was solely on his girl.

Karan blocked Anu's path, " Wait... Hey..." Anu huffed and stopped. Karan continued to pretend that he knew nothing, " Wait! What happened?"
Anu closed her eyes in frustration and spoke, " Listen, thanks for your efforts. But I'll manage on my own. I know the venue address." She said.

Karan did his best to ignore a hurt Arjun standing a few feet behind Anu. " Yeah. You know that. But at least let me know what's the problem? I mean don't you think it's kind of rude to walk away like this from the strangers who have come to help you?"

Anu rolled her eyes, " I said I am thankful."
Karan scoffed, " Yeah. Your thankfulness is not going to save my ass when Ronit beats me to death for leaving you all alone in this new city. So, if you are not willing to go with us, then I suggest you talk to Ronit."
Anu huffed and removed her phone from her jeans pocket. But before she could dial, she stopped. Ruining Ronit's bubble of happiness was the last thing she wanted.

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