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So guys... Here's another one. I know many of you might be wondering when Anu and Arjun will confess to each other. Well, please just hang on for a few more fun chapters. And I promise you, it will be worth the wait. Till then ... Happy reading:)
PS- I would like to dedicate this chapter to@ RENUKAChoudhary851 for her unwavering faith and support....:)
Anu had managed to get out of her house at around 3 pm. Her family was already pestering her about the preparations of the party and showering her with gifts and kisses since morning.
It was not easy for her to convince her family to let her go to the temple. Well, that was what she told them. She realized too late that her excuse was too lame to make her family believe her, especially when she never did anything more than praying for mere 5 minutes every day. She cursed herself when she saw her aaji' s doubtful glare. She should have known that her aaji will be the first one to catch her lie. Her aaji was about to taunt her when janvi came into the living room. ' offo, aaji, c'mon, she will be back by the time party starts. Even I want some notes from my friend. You know, Shweta ,right? She lives near the temple. So I told Anu to visit the shrine as well." Janvi told her aaji meanwhile giving Anu a secret look. Her aaji did nothing more than grunting in agreement.

Thank god , di is her favourite...

Anu relaxed as she entered the elevator of her building. But she also remembered her sister's secret look and was sure she would have to tell the truth to her about where exactly she was.
But she was too excited to think about that right now. She had more important thing to do than going to a temple. She was to meet him. Today she had put a little makeup on. She realized she was a few minutes early than expected when she reached the bus stop. She sat on a bench and wondered whether she had waited so eagerly for anyone before? No. Never... She smiled fondly to herself when a vision of Arjun nervously rubbing the back of his neck crossed her mind. Just then her phone vibrated in her hand bringing her out of her Dreamland.
" How dare you run off when you knew I was coming to your place after college?"
Anu cringed at the accusing voice of her best friend.
" Uh... Umm... Something came up.."
Anu tried to sound serious.
" I knew it. It's almost next to impossible for you to go to a temple. Now tell me where are you?" Neha said pleased with her guess.
Anu rolled her eyes," I'll let you know once I come home."
" Listen, tell me where are you or else be ready to face your aaji's wrath when I tell her that you lied to her." Neha threatened.
Anu gasped," You will do no such thing."
" I can and I will...."Neha said in a chirpy voice. Anu could almost imagine Neha's smirking face.
Anu realized that she couldn't escape now.
" Huh... Fine.... I came to meet Arjun. Now hang up the phone."
" Arjun? But isn't he coming for the party?"
" No. He is not coming."
" But then where are y..."
" Neha. Don't worry ,ok? I'll be back in time."
" Well, I was not really worrying about you. I just called to see, in case ,you know, the god had not died of heart attack to see the great Anu in his temple."Neha said dramatically.
Anu couldn't help but laugh at the joke.
" Ok. Now, enough of your lame jokes. I gotta go. Bye. And don't ever dare to tell anything to aaji."Anu scolded.
" We will see." Neha said and cut the call.
She was still smiling at the antiques of her best friend when she noticed Arjun sitting beside her.
" Oh, hii, when did you come?" Anu asked unable to conceal her happiness.
" When you were busy on the phone." Arjun said smiling.

Damn that smile...

" Umm... Sorry... I didn't notice you"
Anu said.

Really?Now I am even saying sorrys and thank yous so easily.I am officially screwed.

" Don't be. I was enjoying listening to your conversation." Arjun said leaning on to the other side of the bench.
" So you were eavesdropping on me?"
Anu said faking accusation.
" Well, eavesdropping would be if I heard something hiding in the corner,without letting you know. And I don't think you would have appreciated that."Arjun smiled.
Anu smiled in earnest," You don't have to hide from me. Ever."
Arjun's smile widened a bit. She looked in his gorgeous brown orbs. They held pure sincerity and compassion. It was a little unsettling for her. When she couldn't bear his stare, she turned her blushing face towards the road in front of her. But she could still feel his stare. She was getting anxious now. Finally she turned to other side and removed a steel box from her bag.
" Take this." She said holding the box in front of him.
" What's this?" Arjun asked frowning.
" Ugh... Don't worry... I am not giving you rubies and diamonds or anything like that. It's just laddoos my mom made today."Anu said sarcastically.
Arjun smiled and took the box from her.
" Your mom made laddoos for the party?" He asked confused.
Anu chuckled," No, not for the party idiot. There will be continental dishes, Chinese, cakes,pastries, doughnuts in the party. But those things are almost like rubies and diamonds for you which you will obviously refuse. So I brought these for you." Anu said in a teasing tone.
Arjun looked lost for a moment before his face broke into a smile. Anu sighed mentally. She could sit for hours like this, just looking at his smiling face.
" Ok, now give me my gift." She forwarded her palm in front of him.
" What? How do you know?" He asked startled.
" That's not the point. Just give it already." Anu was impatient now.
" Umm, it's not ready yet. I'll give it to you tomorrow."He suddenly seemed troubled. She had a slight idea why he was so nervous. The large difference in their financial conditions is responsible for his nervousness half the time. She frowned.
" You are lying , right?" Anu asked and sighed when she realised that he was not looking at her anymore.
" Fine, if you are not giving me my gift today, then don't bother tomorrow either. I am leaving."Anu said frowning and made a show of picking up her bag and leaving.
He held her wrist urgently and said,
" Wait, don't go. I am sorry. It's... It's just that its not something you would expect. I mean .... It's... It's ordinary and..."
" Will you let me decide whether it's ordinary or not?" Anu asked patiently.
Arjun sighed and revealed a rolled white paper from the other side of the bench. She had not noticed it before.
" Happy birthday , Anu" He said in a serious but gentle voice.
Anu gave a big toothy smile and took the paper.
She impatiently opened the knotted ribbon around the paper and unfolded it. Inside was a painting of the most gorgeous girl sitting on a bench. She was so caught up in the beauty that it took a few moments for her to realize that the girl was indeed herself. And the bench was the one in their college where she was sitting on the day of the college events. Anu' s breath hitched as she realized that she had never looked so beautiful in real life. It was like she was seeing herself from a new perspective. Through his eyes. She didn't know how to react to his sweet gesture. She was still looking at the painting when her eyes glistened with immense love and threatened to spill those emotions in the form of tears. She closed her eyes to get a hold of herself. She turned towards him ,only after she was confident enough that she was not looking like an emotional wreck.
" Well, say something. I know, it's not anything valuable like the others you must be getting... But.." Arjun rambled all the while rubbing the back of his neck.
" You are right. This is nothing like the other gifts I get." Anu said sincerely.
Arjun's eyes widened a bit and looked disappointed the next moment.

Don't he really have a single clue what is happening here?

Anu sighed," you know, I received many gifts till now. Big bouquets, expensive dresses, mobile phones and what not. In school, a guy even gave me a real diamond bracelet, can you imagine?" Anu said chuckling. Arjun seemed even more embarrassed now. Oddly enough, Anu found arjun' s discomfort even more endearing. She smiled and continued," but you know, those were given to impress me, to impress the beautiful daughter from a very rich family. Not a single gift touched my heart...... Till today."
Arjun frowned for a moment and looked at her. Anu smiled and looked at the painting,
" This is more precious to me than any other gift I have ever received".She said gently running her palm over the painting.
She looked at him," Thank you"
She felt immense pleasure when Arjun seemed relieved and smiled at her.
For the next hour or so, they talked and talked. Anu almost wanted to ditch the party and spend the whole evening with him.
" Do you really like the gift?"Arjun asked for the third time since they met today.
Anu sighed," Trust me, if I had not liked it , I would have made it abundantly clear by now. And not exactly in kind words." Anu grinned
Arjun chuckled," good to know."
They stared in each others eyes for moments. After what felt like hours, he cleared his throat and averted his eyes. She didn't liked that one bit. She kept looking at him.
" Do you believe in love? " She didn't know where that came from. Arjun looked at her, shocked. She could see, he was nervous again.
He again averted his eyes and said fumbling," I.... I don't know. I never thought about it."
" Never?" She hoped for the first time that there was a tiniest possibility that he felt something towards her.
Arjun looked at her, startled. He clearly was not expecting this. She almost smiled at his reaction.
" Never." He gulped nervously. " Why are you asking?"
She shrugged and broke the eye contact," I was just curious."
When she parted her ways with him that day, she knew, she couldn't survive like this. Of course, she was not so naive to be clueless about what she was feeling towards him. But today she saw the same uncertainty ,same conflict, same passion in his eyes. And that scared and excited her. She almost knew , till that day, that true love was not for her. It makes people weak , just like it made her aunt weak.

And yet, I didnt feel an ounce of weakness today.

She thought as she clutched her precious gift to her chest and waited for her driver.
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