14- Part 1

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Another one for you guys.
A looonggg one....
Happy reading......:)

  Arjun  and Ronit were having lunch in the college canteen. Arjun was toying with his homemade curry but his mind was elsewhere. Ronit was eyeing him suspiciously. Arjun snapped out of his thoughts as Ronit clicked his fingers in front of his face.  " What on earth are you thinking exactly?You have not spoken a word since the morning. Well, not that you speak anyway, but you are quiter today. What happened?" Ronit asked. What could arjun say? That he was not finding today's lectures interesting enough?And why? How could he tell his friend that he had not seen her since morning and that was the reason for his distress?

Is she okay?                                               

What if she is angry with me for my rude behaviour?

Or worse, what if she is sick?

His mind was playing cruel tricks with him.
" Just a bit of headache " he tried to lie.
But one look at Ronit's expression and he knew he failed miserably. So he ignored his friend's looks and turned his attention towards his food.              " Dude.... Am I dreaming?" Ronit said nudging arjun's arm and eyes wide in shock focused towards the entrance. When Arjun  looked in the same direction , realization dawned upon him. Neha was running towards them with a bright smile on her face.              " Hey guys..." She chirped and plopped on an empty chair besides ronit. Ronit blinked a few times to make sure this was real.                          " Hii" Arjun smiled and pinched ronit's arm to bring him out of his daze.                                                     "Oh... umm.. hii.." Ronit said awkwardly as Neha cleared her throat.                                                         "How come you are here today?"    and  where is anu?  The words were bubbling in his throat but he controlled himself.                                     Neha said," Well, I am hell tired of making two sets of notes today, so i thought i could use some company..."                                                                     "Two sets?" Arjun was getting anxious.                                                       " Yeah... Anu has not come today. She was late at the city hospital yesterday and......"                                 
" Hospital?" Arjun was instantly on his feet.                                                         "Yeah... but... what happe...." Before Neha could finish her sentence , Arjun was already out of the canteen.               "Mission accomplished" Neha proudly tapped her own back.                              "What exactly did you do?" Ronit was already not yet over the fact that Neha actually came and acted as if nothing has happened. Moreover , now she was acting wierd.                      Neha smiled triumphantly," You will know it soon."                                           "So ..... we are talking now?" Ronit asked tentatively.                                    "I guess so...." Neha said shrugging non- chalantly.                                            "You have no idea  how relieved i am to hear that." Ronit sighed.                       "But try anything crazy and you will be in hell" Neha threatened him Showing the index finger.   
"Noted" Ronit raised his hands in surrender.                                                                                                                                                                                                   Stupid me..... Arjun cursed himself passionately as he climbed in the crowded bus. How can he be such a big idiot? He didn't even asked Neha what exactly had happened to anu. Just the word ' hospital' and he was running like a maniac.He didn't even wait to think over a simple logic that if he went by bus, he would be wasting more time.He should have told ronit to come along. But now it was too late.                                                         
Anu....                                                                                                                                 He prayed fervently for her well being. A chill ran through his spine as he remembered something similar happening to him when he had got the terrible news of his father's accident few years ago.
  No...... I can't lose her too..... right?                                                                         He was sweating profusely but his heart was cold with dread. At that moment he regretted every single mistake. His brutal ignorance towards her, his coldness .... everything. When he reached the reception desk of the hospital, he was panting. Just when he was about to ask the receptionist  about anu, he spotted anu  in the corridor talking to a doctor.  A strong surge of relief flooded in his heart as he closed his eyes and sent a silent thank you to the gods. He bent with his palms pressed on his knees with eyes still closed and was still panting when he heard her voice," Arjun?"
He looked at her as if  for the first time. How can someone look so beautiful  all the time? he wondered.  "What are you doing here? Is everything alright?" Arjun was still looking at her concerned expression.   "Neha told me you were in the hospital. So I thought....."  Arjun felt stupid now.                                      " "Yeah... Our maid met with an accident yesterday. So mom gave me the duty to bring food for her today."     "I'm glad...." that you are here with me , safe and sound.... The last part he kept to himself.               
"What?"                                                 Arjun's eyes widened when he realized what he said.
" No... I mean .... not for your maid, obviously. Its terrible actually." Arjun fumbled with words.                                                                                                     Where   the hell my confidence goes when I am with her?                                   "But why did you come here? Are you ill?" Anu asked as she placed the back of her fingers on his forehead to check his temprature. Arjun felt speechless for a moment , moved with the warm gesture.                                       " Actually i thought you are injured ... so.." Arjun said rubbing the back of his neck.He looked at her anticipating her reaction and grimaced when small bouts of laughter escaped from Anu's throat and gradually turned into a full blown laugh. Arjun felt slightly offended when Anu continued laughing till her eyes were blurry with tears.                                              "You thought I was injured.... Oh my god.. Thats ridiculous, why would you think that?" She said in between her chuckles and laughed some more.         " I don't know. And Its not so funny... ok?  You  have no idea what I was going through all this while." Arjun said frowning. Why he was so angry? He had no idea.                                          Anu 's laughter subsided as she observed his expression and smiled at him fondly.                             
"Come with me..." Anu said and without waiting for his answer she gripped his wrist and pulled him towards the exit of the hospital. They entered a small lawn in the compound of the hospital. Anu tugged him towards a small bench in the corner.                                                          "You know what ? I think I should thank Neha for revealing only half of the truth. Because of the confusion atleast you came to me..." Anu smiled radiantly. Arjun , again, felt a deep regret for his past actions.                       He gulped," I am sorry" Anu frowned at the unaccepted apology.                       " I am sorry I ignored you... I was being a jerk...."                                           "Shhh" Anu tightened the grip on his hand which was still linked with hers.                                                "Though I can't deny the jerk part, I still don't want your apology. I want a promise. Promise me that you will never ever shut me out again as you did. Promise?"                                          Arjun gazed into her gorgeous eyes intently and felt immensely lucky that this gorgeous lady  who was not only beautiful outwardly but also from within , was his precious friend... and ... maybe.... just maybe... something more.                                        "Are you thinking of running from me again?" Anu asked suspiciously.          Arjun chuckled and shook his head,    " No, dont worry.."                                  "Thank god"  Anu visibly relaxed. They sat there relaxed , their hands still interlinked. After a few blissful silent moments Anu looked at him, more serious than ever," Are you going to ignore this as well?"                  "Ignore what?" Arjun asked with confusion.                                                    Anu huffed and stood up in front of him." You reaaly are an idiot. You dont realise what's going on here, do you? Arjun, You just heard one word    ' hospital' and the next moment you came to see if I am okay. Do you really think this is just a mere friendship and nothing else?"  Arjun's eyes widened with her every word.                                                                                        Is this her weird way of proposing me? I didn' t see that coming.                                                                                               He stood up at once, panicked, and turned around  so that his back was facing her.
" Yeah..... uh...what else could it be?" Arjun said and chuckled nervously.       Anu again came in front of him,.           " Really?" She gave him a bored expression and folded her hands in front of her chest. But arjun was looking everywhere but her. Anu waited for few moments before she sighed,"Okay... I will go. You don't have to be so uncomfortable." She said  in a disappointed tone and moved away.                                               "No..No...No... Wait... please don' t go......" Arjun said blocking her path. He just couldn't  let her go after this.  When she stopped , he broke all over again seeing her hurting expression.     "Look,  I know what you are saying, but.... but....  its difficult.... You and I ..... Its just not right."       
"Why?" Anu asked patiently to which Arjun , again , had no answer.               She sighed," Arjun, is it not clear enough to you? I love you. I have the right to atleast know why you are rejecting me? Is it because you don't feel the same way?"                                  "No... Its not that... Its just..."Arjun moved his hand through his hair irritatingly.                                            "Then, please, open up to me. Tell me what"s stopping you?" Arjun felt like a heartless jerk when he saw her face. He had never seen her so vulnerable. Arjun closed his eyes for a moment to collect his thoughts and said," We are very different from each other, Anu.  And you.... you deserve much better."   "Much richer, you mean..." Anu smiled sadly. " So my guess was right after all. But tell me Arjun, why do you think I travel in city buses nowadays and not in my dad"s costly luxury cars? Why is it that I sit with you for hours and study. Arjun, Nowadays, I prefer walking to the bus stop with you rather than going with neha in her car. Arjun, you have changed me. And I love this change."            "Everyone loves everything when its new. But after the newness is gone, it becomes an adjustment. And you don't deserve adjustment."  Arjun explained earnestly.                                  Anu rolled her eyes even in that situation," You know me well enough , Arjun. I am not the one to adjust. I always do what I want. Talk about yourself." Anu challenged him with a look. Arjun looked at her helplessly. "What do you want to hear?"                   " Do you love me?" Anu asked gazing straight in his eyes, clearly in anticipation. Arjun wanted to be logical at that moment. He wanted to tell her to be logical as well.                                          


That's when he remembered the feeling of stark dread and loss he felt just few hours ago, when he heard about Anu being in hospital. And at that moment all those doubts, all those insecurities took a back seat and  all he could see was her gorgeous face and a feeling of pure bliss.

" I do. "

A cliffhanger again. The chapter was getting too long, so I had to split it into two parts..... And of coarse, don't forget to vote, comment, and share....:) See you all soon.

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