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Happy reading.....:)                                                                                                                                                        ______________________________________                                                                                                On reaching home,her mom almost had a mini heart attack when she discovered that her stubborn , all prim and proper anu who would literally shudder at the thought of conjusted city buses has travelled in one today , that too for almost an hour.                                                                But anu was not in a state to notice these changes happening within her. She never thought a girl who had travelled in cars all her life, can find a bus ride so interesting. It was as if she forgot about the bus and its typical smell when they were talking. It was magical.Moreover she couldn't forget how exceptionally charming he looked in that outfit today. She was used to seeing him in formals in college by now. Though he didn't look any less handsome even in formals, today in that environment of celebration and happiness she was more preoccupied by his thoughts than ever.                                                                             So when the time came to part ways with him,for the first time she felt a sharp pang of disappointment. She didn't know what came over her when she asked him whether he would call her. She was relieved when he said he would. But even amidst all this emotional chaos , she had not forgotten the real reason for the phone call. She actually wanted to invite him for her birthday party the next evening. It was almost like a ritual every year her family would follow for their beloved daughters. It was a very normal thing in the elite world she lived in. But for him, it was not. She knew , that if she asked him to attend the party, he would apply some righteous logic of his and deny. Even she was not a very big fan of parties, but she knew she was always noticed and admired for her brilliance and beauty and she enjoyed that. But today she was not at all  interested in the party. Her only wish was a chance to atleast meet him on her birthday. So she had carefully devised a plan on how to convince him to meet her without giving him a chance to deny. Only thing left  was for him to agree. And it was also the only thing she was not sure about. 
                           She was sprawled on her bed waiting for his call. After many agonizing minutes, she lost the patience and dialed his number. After many unanswered calls she gave up. She was almost half asleep when the ringing of her cell phone disturbed her sleep. She almost dashed towards it and picked it up." Hii" She said sighing.
" Hey, are you alright? You sound tired." She could hear the concern in his voice.
" Yeah, I am alright. You reached home?"
" Yeah, I was tutoring radhika . So I couldn't call you earlier. My phone was on silent mode so I didn't know you were calling. I didn't know whether you would be awake at this hour but then I thought I would take a chance."He said as if he had done some crime.
" Oh god.... Arjun, it's fine. Just slow down. You don't have to think so much ,ok?" These were the things about him she couldn't help but fall in love with, however irritating they seemed at times.
"Well... Umm.... Your mother didn't scold you, did she? You know , for travelling in a city bus?" He asked.
" No. She didn't scold me but she was looking at me as if I had grown two heads. " She chuckled.
"Hmm. Told you, you are the one who is amusing." He chuckled softly.
Anu couldn't help but roll her eyes,.    " how many times do I have to listen to that?"
Arjun laughed and asked," Anyways, how are the preparations going ?"
" Preparations?"
" Yeah, for your birthday?" He said
" You remember? " Anu was touched to the core .
" Well, I have only two- three people whom I can call my friends. So it's not really difficult to remember their birthdays ,you know?" Anu could really just feel his dazzling smile.
" Yeah ,well, my dad has planned this party for me tommorrow evening.  Will you......" Before she could ask him anything, he cut her off, " I am so sorry Anu... I .....uh..."
" Will you just let me finish? I was just asking whether you would meet me on the college bus stop? " She knew he thought she was inviting him for the party . But she was not going to do anything that he is not comfortable with, atleast not today. And besides, even she will not be able to enjoy their meeting in the crowd of hundreds.
" Oh... Ok. But we are anyways meeting in the college. So..."
" Yes, but I will be attending only 2-3 lectures tomorrow. So I will not be able to meet you in college. Psst.... Why do you ask so many questions always? Just answer. You will come, won't you? " She was being impatient , she knew. But she couldn't help it.
" Okay... Okay... calm down. At what time?"he asked calmly.
"After college. Around 3.30?"
" I will be there."
" Thanks, good night, .... Umm... Bye.. " anu said feeling shy all of a sudden.
" Wait."he said in alarm.
" What happened?" She was scared for a moment.
" Happy birthday" he said quietly.
She looked at the bedside clock. It was 12.05 am.
" Thanks" she smiled.
After he cut the call , she continued staring at the phone. She had received her first birthday wish from him. It was not decorated with any emotional and extravagant descriptions of happy feelings . It was just two simple words.
Happy birthday. 
Never in her dreams she had thought that  these words would make her  feel so special. Her heart was filled with pure joy. She clutched her phone to her chest as her vision was blurred with unshed tears.
But when those few moments of emotional turmoil passed, she couldn't help but squeal in joy and jump on her bed and was back to being a mad woman.
Hey guys.... Here is the new update.... Don't forget to like share and comment.....:)

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