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_______________________________________                                                                                   He hanged out with his other fellow batchmates who attended the event for some time before he bid them bye. Ronit was already gone. In spite of his great performance , ronit's mood was off today. He still insisted  to drop arjun home but arjun didnt want to trouble his friend  when he already  seemed so miserable. Arjun knew it had to do something with neha.                                                                                       So here he was going alone towards the bus stop. When he neared the main gates of the college, he saw her sitting on a nearby bench.                                                                           She is breathtaking......

He paused and stared at her to his heart's content. After a moment he came closer and said hii. He would have gone alone after talking to her. But somehow he didn't feel like leaving her there alone. 

It is not safe for her, right?

But very soon he doubted whether it was safe for him to be around her or not. They were walking side by side on the road.They had gone past the awkward stage in their friendship. Then why he still felt awkward around her ? he didn't know.                                               " So how many girls  have you dropped home like this?" He heard anu asking with a teasing smile.                                     Arjun smiled,"No one"                             " Then boys, perhaps?" Anu asked holding her laughter.                               Arjun chuckled amusedly," Are you inderectly asking if i am gay?"               " Yess. Why? Are you offended? " Anu asked grinning mischieviously.         "You are crazy , you know that?" Arjun scoffed.                                            "I know. " Anu said looking at him with a small smile. Arjun couldn't help but stare at her face glimming in the moonlight.                                                                        "Anyways , how are you alone today?  Ronit is not with you?"Anu's question made him come out of his reverie. Arjun looked at her carefully dreading to see some mocking expression as if to belittle him for not having his own vehicle. But her expression was  devoid  of any mockery. The only thing he saw on her face was a pure curiosity to know little things about him. He felt a lot more relaxed to see that.                    " No, uh, he seemed tired and... uh... i think he was not in a good mood today. So I told him to go home." Arjun smiled.                                            " Really? You are one hell of a friend then. I would have forcefully dragged neha along to wherever i want  if i was in your situation." Anu giggled.    Arjun couldn't help but smile at that." I can totally imagine that. But , in my case, uh.., its... you see , he is my first friend ever. And a best one at that. So its kind of weird. Its hard to not feel concerned about him at times. "                                                                        Great.......Now I am a sentimental  fool.....That too in front of a girl....

Arjun nervously rubbed back of his neck.                                                            " Its not weird."                                        Arjun looked at her slightly surprised when she touched his arm gently.        "  You are, truly , a great friend." She said smiling. Arjun just shrugged and nodded.They walked a few paces in total silence. But it was not an awkward one.                                                                  When  they reached the bus stop, they saw a group of some rowdy men waiting on the other side. Arjun instantly held anu's wrist and pulled her in the corner as far from the men as possible. His senses were on high alert the whole time they waited for their bus and was glancing suspiciously towards the group every few minutes.  He gave a questioning look  when he heard anu snickering. Anu shooked her head sideways saying," Nothing" and giggled a little more.

What's with her giggling today?

Arjun rolled his eyes and asked ," What?"                                                         " Its just that you are acting as if they are just waiting there to kidnap me. I just  found it quite amusing." Anu said chuckling. Arjun  folded his hands in front of his chest and narrowed his eyes to anu and said," You are finding many things  amusing today, don't you?"                                                " Well... What can i say?  I have quite amusing friends."  Anu grinned  with her chin pulled upwards.Arjun couldn't help but chuckle at that.                                     When the bus finally came , he climbed in before looking back to make sure she was coming.He observed her looking at the bus as if its was some spaceship. Then she looked at him and smiled and climbed in. But arjun could see she was not very comfortable.The bus was almost empty . He let her take the window seat before settling in beside her. " So, this is your first time in a bus?" Just then the conducter came for their tickets. Anu fished in her purse for the money  saying," Yeah , its my first time . I have never travelled in anything except cars and airplanes" She chuckled at that and handed the money to the conductor .  That's when they noticed the conducter looking at her as if she had grown two heads.Arjun smiled and said to the conducter," Its ok kaka, Go ahead." the conducter  just smiled at both of them and went. Anu frowned in confusion  and nudged him," why he was looking at me like that?"           Arjun answered with a wide grin," Thank god , Atleast someone exists in this world  who  knows who is  actually  amusing  amongst  us....." Anu gasped at his unexpected  bratty remark and  arjun earned a series of attacks on his arms.                                                   When her stop came, she bid him bye  but then suddenly stopped at the door and looked at him.Arjun realized that suddenly she looked sullen .                                                         " Will you call  me  tonight?" Arjun knew that what she had asked  was not just a question . It carried all their unspoken emotions which were sacred for them. He didn't had the heart to refuse her wish. He just smiled and nodded .  It was not long after she was gone when he was already  anxious to get home and call her.                                                                                                                                     . _______________________________________-A glimpse into their conversations....  See you all soon....:)                   

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