1. See you Again

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It was 9am in a very cold February day. London was always cold but today was especially freezing. The girl who was combing her hair couldn't help but wonder how much the guy she was about to surprise was hating this day. She wore her new company tshirt, dark jeans, and a long coat. Just a little bit of make up, as usual. She liked looking natural. The brunette took a look at her watch and realized it was time to head to her new job. Once in her car she turned the radio on and the song that was playing brought that same guy to her mind once again.

- "I wonder what he's going to think when he sees me there" she murmured to herself. She hasn't seen that guy in 3 years. Of course they still texted every once in a while but they've become really distant since she decided to pursue her master's degree across the sea in the United States. The thought of seeing him again was making her nervous. They were just really good friends but she had feelings for him probably since the day they met back in 2013. Half an hour later the 25 years old girl pulled up in the Mclaren headquarters in Woking.

-  "Sophia Horner! I am so glad to have you here again!" Said a very excited Zak Brown. Zak knew Sophia since she was a little girl. Sophia was Christian Horner's niece. Zak had always have a good relationship with Christian and his family. Especially his older brother, Andrew; who at a very young age moved to the US for college. That is the reason why Sophie was American. Born and raised in the States with a beautiful half American half Latina mother.

-  "Uncle Zak! Thank you so much for having me! I won't disappoint" said the half American girl hugging  Mr.Brown. 

"I know that for sure and I'm positive your driver is going to love the idea of having you besides him 24/7" Zak replied with a smirk on his face. Sophie was going to be the PR of one of the drivers. Even though it was her first time as PR in Formula 1, she knew this world very well. She has been attending to most races with Christian since she moved back to England to get her bachelor's degree.

-  "Well, as long as you don't go snitching to the RedBull guys" said a voice from the other end of the room. 

- "Oh hi Penelope. Don't you worry about that. Zak knows me very well" Sophie knew Penelope from the F1 world. She was Zak's personal assistant and everybody in the paddock knew her and the guy Sophie was dying to see again, had a thing. "Zak, if you don't mind I'll go find my driver. See ya later" Said Horner touching the man's shoulder and leaving the room. 


 I left the room in a rush. I love Zak but I can't stand Penelope. Everybody knows that she has been with multiple guys in the paddock, including the guy I once had feelings for. Well, I say once because I haven't seen him in so long that is hard to know how I feel about him. I actually dated a guy for the past 4 years. His name is Jacob. When I met him he was the dreamy guy every girl wants. Tall, blonde, blue eyes, a gentleman. We met in London when he came for 3 months for work. We dated long distance for a year and then I decided to move to the US. Living with him turned into a nightmare and we broke up before I took a flight with no return to London.

 As I was walking my way to the sims I couldn't help but notice how this place still feels the same. Same floors, same rooms, of course new cars, always new cars. I stared at the number 4 and the number 3 on the cars in front of me and I just hoped this turns into a good year for the drivers. 2020 was hard on everyone because of Covid. 2021 was a great year for Lando Norris, not so much for Daniel Ricciardo. I followed every race, every season, cheered and cried, of course not many people know the struggles. I finally got to the sims and saw the tall guy talking to another guy in a suit. I didn't know who the guy in the suit was but I also didn't care. I stared for a while at the curly haired guy and even though I could just see his back I knew he was smiling. I noticed his hair looked a lot shorter than last time I saw him. I figured he would want to go for a more serious look as he grew older. I was taken aback when I got the memory of the last time I saw him in a sim at the RedBull quarters. I never understood why he left RedBull. My uncle never understood either. But I hoped he's happy, I hope he grew as a person, and I hope he loved himself more than ever these past 3 years. 

- "Ricciardo! It's weird not seeing you drinking RedBull, huh?" I yelled and not even a second later he completely turned around with the biggest smile on his face.

-  "I could say the same to you Horner" he said with his Australian accent and I instantly got shivers all over my body. God I missed him. Two seconds later I was running to hug him. 

-"Pumpkin I haven't seen you in so long. You don't even call anymore" he said still holding me in his arms but looking at me "God last time I saw you you were a baby. You're a literal woman now" he sight and laugh. I broke the hug to see him better.

-  "Dan, last time I saw you I was 22. I was already a woman you bastard" I said throwing a soft punch to his arm. "But I know what you mean I can see you got some wrinkles" I kept talking and then laugh 

- "Mate, I am as handsome as always. But last year was hard so it counted by 5" he replied and even though he said it in joking tone I could see sadness in his eyes. I knew Daniel very well. "Anyways, what are you doing here?" He changed the subject as soon as he saw my sad smile. He knew I noticed something was off with him. 

- "Well you weren't expecting to start the season without a PR, were you?" As soon as I said this Dan hugged me again, this time tighter. I could stay like this forever. This Dan seemed different than what I remembered. He was still happy and funny but he seemed more mature. So many things felt different. From the way he hugged me to the way he's looking at me. I wonder what has changed

- "I'm so happy to have you back. You're all I needed" I heard him whisper. Yes, this Dan is different.


 Hugging Soph after so long felt right. I haven't seen my family in so long and knowing I'm going to have her here makes me the happiest I have been in over a year. Sophia is the only girl I trust, she's been there for me in my happiest day and in my worst days. I got so used to taking care of her like a younger sister and when she left, my heart felt empty. I didn't really contact her much these past three years because I was angry. I felt jealous she chose to leave me and Max behind just to go after that asshole of a boyfriend she has. I know he lied to everyone and when she was living with him he gave a 180 turn and became a prick. Max told me. Soph knew it was hard for me to accept she left me behind so she didn't push me to talk to her all this time. 

She's back and she's back to be here next to me and I feel the luckiest person alive. After our small chat in the sim room I introduced her to Zak's personal lawyer, Mason. I hated the way he was looking at her and was trying to flirt with her. I guess I need to understand Soph does not look like a little girl anymore. Objectively, she's a hot woman now. A brunette, with naturally tanned skin, perfect big green eyes, long lashes, and big lips. I couldn't stop noticing how her body changed. She always had a nice slim body but on top of all the clothes you could tell she's been going to the gym and she got into the fit life. Anyways, that's all Mason saw. If he knew Soph's heart he wouldn't doubt a second to give up on everything to have her next to him. Any man would. As I was in my thoughts my friend's voice got me back to reality.

- "Dan, we need to meet soon to talk about image" I heard her sweet voice say "hopefully before you go back to Monaco" she kept talking under mine and Mason's attentive sight.

-  "Why don't you come home after work? or I can come to yours if you rather that" I suggested. She was looking at me doubting of her answer. I guess she rather go to a caffee. I wonder if she feels awkward around me after such a long time "Soph, just like the old times" I smiled.

- "Sure, send me the address and I'll come" she kissed my cheek and then Mason's "it was a pleasure meeting you Mason" 

- "My pleasure Sophie. Hope I get to see you more often around here" he replied with a smile on his face. I could break his teeth right now. 

-"Sophia just meet me outside, we drive together and I'll drop you back home after we talk" I added serious. She nodded and I went back to the sim. I couldn't focus for the rest of the session.

Friends with Benefits - Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now